
Author Topic: "Compilation raised exception internally" on recent 3.3.1 compiler builds  (Read 3066 times)


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Thank you Marco - have just verified that compiling with -Ur does indeed fix the issue.  Never knew about that switch before now.

It's good to find the issue is already known.

Would there be any benefit in me attempting to produce a minimum reproducible set of source files that trigger the error? Or is the cause already understood? I'm not particularly looking forward to trying to cut down such a complex interconnected web of a project, but I will do so if it could be helpful.


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It's good to find the issue is already known.
Sorry, took me some time #40701
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Thank you TRon - I didn't manage to find anything relevant. It's very relieving to know I'm not the only one with the issue haha - Lazarus sources exhibiting the same problem suggests to me it'll be fixed eventually!


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Never knew about that switch before now.

Because it's mainly intended for building a FPC release to avoid unnecessary attempts at recompilation. With main it's currently a workaround until the underlying issue is fixed.


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