I need recompile the FPC because a modification on openssl, to suport TLS 1.2, but i don't know how to-do this on Mac.
That depends on the changes. Are they your changes or are they changes that where made in trunk ?
In case the latter it is probably the easiest to use
FPCUpDeluxe and build a FPC trunk compiler.
In case the former then things can become a tad more complicated because there are several approaches possible:
- either a complete build of a modified compiler and its packages, in which case it is important tot know for which version of the compiler the modifications were made (because you need a startup compiler). See also
- or rebuild the package(s) that are depending on the change(s). You could even do that manually and let your modified package take precedence over the default compiler package.
So, more information is required on the changes themselves and/or on how you wish to pursue.