Hello, I encountered an error while using Laz3.2 version on the MacOS Intel architecture due to IDE build failure
When installing any third-party package to rebuild the IDE in an empty project, or directly rebuilding the IDE, there is ultimately an error that causes the build to fail
There are no issues with Laz2.2.6
This is my system version
macOS Monterey
version 12.5
MacBook Pro(13-inch,2019,Four Thunderbolt 3 ports)
cpu 2.4 GHz 4 Intel Core i5
xcode: 13
main.pp(10229,12) Warning: Symbol "UTF8CompareLatinTextFast" is deprecated: "Use UTF8compareText or AnsicompareText instead.
make[2]: *** [lazarus]
!Error: make:***[idelError 2]
Warning: Recompiling DateTimePicker, checksum changed for /Applications/Lazarus/lcl/units/x86 64-darwin/lclintf.ppu
datetimenicker.pas(85,12)Error'an find unit DateTimePicker, used by DateTimeCtrls
I tried reinstalling it without wheels, but it couldn't solve this problem
And in an empty project, after cleaning and rebuilding it, there will be some other errors after compilation
Errors like this
!Error:.sectionDATA.datacoalnt coalesced0 Eror: /Users/zhangli/lazarus/lib/units/x86 64-darwin/cocoa/cocoawsextctrls.s:137751:10: note: change section name to "data'
!Error:.section DATA,datacoal nt, coalescedAWarning: /Users/zhangli/.lazarus/lib/units/x86_64-darwin/cocoa/cocoawsextctrls.s:137812:10: warning: section"datacoal nt" is deprecated
The above issues occur in MacOS Intel Lazarus 3.2