Am looking for a diagramming control/library that can display from DOT instructions. For the moment, I am outsourcing to graphviz on linux and displaying the result. But this is not ideal.
Looking around I have found TSimplegraph (which has been abandoned?) where DOT was one of the possible roadmap goals. TAChart is specialized for charts and graphs, and not generalized diagrams, and no mention of DOT. TECScheme looks to be the closest, but there doesn't seem to be a DOT ready import. It isn't mentioned as a goal either (that I can find). I also was unable to find example code. I just see text files in the examples folder. There's a wiki with a nice picture, but I haven't found an example of how to use it. If there is one I just haven't found, I'd appreciate a pointer. That said, there doesn't seem to be any mention of DOT for it.
DOT is a common protocol for diagrams and has been around since the 1990's so it would be nice to have something for it in Lazarus IMO.