In the past I've used PHP for developing web forms, etc. We weren't designing a website we were working on an application with the data stored on a web server at the company. The company is just using the internet as the network. Good idea, huh!
I've been writing programs with pascal back to the Turbo Pascal days in the 1980's and love pascal. But, haven't tried writing an app in Las/FPC for what we used PHP but, to me it's a similar endeavor and PHP looks similar to pascal code...
Thanks. I have used 'classic' PHP a few years ago. About PHP looking similar to Pascal, I think the opposite: it's like the Pascal language 'encourages' you to write better organized code - for example, declaring types, units and interfaces and such.
And I've seen Java and JSP, ASP dot net, and similar stuff, and thought about something like those existing for this language. Then, researching about it I found the pas2js library, and that gem I shared. Pascal's good structure, great performance ('pure' Pascal can be as fast as C), the FPC compiler, were some reasons why I considered it for server-side code.
If you're good in Pascal, you may want to try using FPC to build web services. If you're not good in Pascal, there are many other options available. If you like it, use it. If it works for you, keep using it.
I wonder what kind of discussion you want to get.
I wanted to discuss exactly what I said. I noticed later that there's a section for web programming, maybe I should've posted there... but here should be fine I guess?
Your first sentence is pointless - I'm not asking about other options and I obviously like Pascal and want to use it.
Moderators, please lock this discussion or better delete it. This kind of discussion will start flames of war.
People like you make things bad, or worse if they're already bad. You would not be a good moderator acting this way. I put a small notice for the moderator who removed my previous topic. Did you not see that?
I don't see how a flame war could be initiated by Pascal users who like Pascal in a topic about Pascal.
The third link you gave ( is really good, I appreciate it.
Some kid troll decided to create a "buzz on the forum" by writing a primitive and clumsy taunt based on a garbage video recorded by some depressed person. The kid probably wanted to show off in front of his friends.
I am not a kid. And what is said there about older users doesn't affect me, either -- I'm not what he calls a 'boomer'

. That aspect does come out as immature I think. Anyway, I found that video amusing and clever, while agreeing with the points given there. I summarized in a sentence those points in the first post.
I support Handoko's position - the entry is garbage, clumsily prepared by some dimwitted teenage troll. He doesn't even know how to troll properly 
What I said to him above, applies to you as well. You're misunderstanding the topic, and I agree with your morose views about the Internet; it's in that state for a reason, and the solutions you proposed do not solve the root causes.
You come and insult me for no reason, saying my topic is garbage, should be deleted, etc. If I were a troll you two would be the ones feeding. Something against what's said there, some valid arguments, instead of just name-calling?
I have watched the video and my conclusion is that it does not deserve 5 seconds of your time.
I have watched it in its entirety and thought it was amusing while at the same time making valid points. Worth watching I say. Might give you a good laugh.
There is much more to it. To sum up: Object Pascal (especially Pasacal) is very different from PHP.
What you said is spot on. See? You made yourself comparisons of lower-level languages with interpreted ones.
This is the main point given in the video (albeit in a sarcastic way).
That converting Pascal, a statically-typed, imperative, verbose, language, to a higher-level dynamic, fundamentally different language, such as JavaScript, sounds absurd. I myself have never seen anything like that.
As you've mentioned a few languages, imagine, say, a C++ to Python converter. All the reasons to use C++ are lost. The only reason I can think of, is familiarity with the language. Then again, anyone who uses that language would have no difficulty learning the other one. To use such a converter to write large-scale applications would be absurd.
I have used C++ for server-side processing, and I think Pascal would be good for that purpose and not web browser applications.
And so I found that video, while looking for web development using Pascal, found valid points, despite the tone, and shared, asked opinions on the subject, and appreciated the given suggestion of an actual tutorial of how to use Pascal for HTTP server applications.
Is my dimwitted teenage troll clumsy taunt improved anyhow?