$ ./compiler/ppcrossmipsel test.pas -Fu./rtl/ps1 -Fu./rtl/inc -Tps1 -a -XP/usr/local/mipsel-unknown-elf/bin/mipsel-unknown-elf- -Cfnone -n -vut
Warning: Source OS Redefined!
Compiler: /home/key-real/vip-code/source/compiler/ppcrossmipsel
Using executable path: /home/key-real/vip-code/source/compiler/
Using unit path: ./rtl/ps1/
Using unit path: ./rtl/inc/
Using unit path: ./compiler/
Using library path: ./rtl/ps1/
Using library path: ./rtl/inc/
Using library path: ./compiler/
Using object path: ./rtl/ps1/
Using object path: ./rtl/inc/
Using object path: ./compiler/
Searching file test.pas... found
(PROGRAM) Registering new unit SYSTEM
(PROGRAM) Load from PROGRAM (implementation) unit SYSTEM
(SYSTEM) Loading unit SYSTEM
Unitsearch: system.ppu
Searching file system.ppu... not found
Searching file SYSTEM.PPU... not found
Unitsearch: system.pp
Searching file system.pp... not found
Searching file SYSTEM.PP... not found
Unitsearch: system.pas
Searching file system.pas... not found
Searching file SYSTEM.PAS... not found
Unitsearch: ./rtl/ps1/system.ppu
Searching file ./rtl/ps1/system.ppu... found
PPU Loading ./rtl/ps1/system.ppu
(SYSTEM) PPU Name: ./rtl/ps1/system.ppu
(SYSTEM) PPU Time: 2024/04/23 10:36:02
(SYSTEM) PPU Flags: 4224
(SYSTEM) PPU Crc: 81615BB2
(SYSTEM) PPU Crc: 3FC14DEF (intfc)
(SYSTEM) PPU Crc: DE388206 (indc)
(SYSTEM) Number of definitions: 2958
(SYSTEM) Number of symbols: 7783
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: ./rtl/ps1/system.pp time 2024/04/22 08:41:06
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: systemh.inc not found
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: sysosh.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: rtldefs.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: filerec.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: textrec.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: innr.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: cpuh.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: ../mips/cpuh.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: currh.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: ustringh.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: setjumph.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: ../mips/setjumph.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: rttih.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: objpash.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: varianth.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: dynarrh.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: compproc.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: heaph.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: threadh.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: dynlibh.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: resh.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: excepth.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: system.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: sysos.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: mips.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: ../mips/mips.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: generic.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: set.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: ../mips/set.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: genset.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: gencurr.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: sstrings.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: int64p.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: ../mips/int64p.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: int64.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: astrings.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: ustrings.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: aliases.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: rttidecl.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: dynarr.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: objpas.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: except.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: variant.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: rtti.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: setjump.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: ../mips/setjump.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: sysheap.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: heap.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: thread.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: threadvr.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: dynlib.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: sysfile.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: text.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: file.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: typefile.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: isotmp.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: sysdir.inc not available
(SYSTEM) PPU Source: sysres.inc not available
(SYSTEM) Finished loading unit SYSTEM
Searching file test.pas... found
Searching file test.pas... found
Searching file test.pas... found
(PROGRAM) Registering new unit FPINTRES
(PROGRAM) Load from PROGRAM (implementation) unit FPINTRES
Unitsearch: fpintres.ppu
Searching file fpintres.ppu... not found
Searching file FPINTRES.PPU... not found
Unitsearch: fpintres.pp
Searching file fpintres.pp... not found
Searching file FPINTRES.PP... not found
Unitsearch: fpintres.pas
Searching file fpintres.pas... not found
Searching file FPINTRES.PAS... not found
Unitsearch: ./rtl/ps1/fpintres.ppu
Searching file ./rtl/ps1/fpintres.ppu... not found
Searching file ./rtl/ps1/FPINTRES.PPU... not found
Unitsearch: ./rtl/ps1/fpintres.pp
Searching file ./rtl/ps1/fpintres.pp... not found
Searching file ./rtl/ps1/FPINTRES.PP... not found
Unitsearch: ./rtl/ps1/fpintres.pas
Searching file ./rtl/ps1/fpintres.pas... not found
Searching file ./rtl/ps1/FPINTRES.PAS... not found
Unitsearch: ./rtl/inc/fpintres.ppu
Searching file ./rtl/inc/fpintres.ppu... not found
Searching file ./rtl/inc/FPINTRES.PPU... not found
Unitsearch: ./rtl/inc/fpintres.pp
Searching file ./rtl/inc/fpintres.pp... found
Searching file test.pas... found
test.pas(1,6) Error: Compilation raised exception internally
Fatal: Compilation aborted
An unhandled exception occurred at $0000000000570E35:
EAccessViolation: Access violation
$0000000000570E35 push, line 1936 of symdef.pas
$00000000007C68FE AddUnit, line 204 of pmodules.pas
$00000000007C7634 CheckAddUnit, line 384 of pmodules.pas
$00000000007C72FF loaddefaultunits, line 426 of pmodules.pas
$00000000007CE667 proc_program, line 2837 of pmodules.pas
$00000000004E1779 compile_module, line 488 of parser.pas
$0000000000517559 continue, line 269 of ctask.pas
$00000000005177BF processqueue, line 334 of ctask.pas
$000000000043E12F Compile, line 310 of compiler.pas
$0000000000401496 $main, line 308 of pp.pas
$000000000043372D SysEntry, line 332 of system.pp