"Shadow in the Box"....
You cloned all my repos
I was curious why it did not work and loaded another repo in that used vipGFX to learn from where it fails on my test machine.
and YES! Your version is faster, you saved 2 calls in the inner loop, that's good for cache 
Good to hear, time for VSync

You like the idea behind vipGFX?
I have to say, what you have done works smooth and fast, I mean no flicker, so for you that knows how to handle it correctly, its a great helper, for me as a new-born, its first of all a challenge to find how out something works and how I can use such for my own pleasure.
I was not checking yet the folders since it is a lot that I downloaded lol
Does a demo for vipGFX exists that works with internal created images or image data?
Like how do I fill a rectangle/ellipse/pie at TRect coordinates (to prepare internal a buffered image that I easy can transport to some display method ....)
How do I put text from a TFont on screen?
Such basic stuff to learn how to work with your lib would be amazing, maybe such already exists and I was ignorant

Later slightly more advanced, what image fileformat can be loaded from a stream to be used within vipGFX, that way I could store my images compressed within source instead of external data.
As you might noticed, interested I am, if I become a fan of DirectX compared vs OpenGL, hard to answer, best would be that I could choose a renderer and vipGFX offers the methods to use them.
My selfish answer would be, it doesnt matter to me since I anyway just code for windows

Does Pi runs now? You like it? You knew the Film?
It's running!
If I be a neutral judge, here are my category points (0 worst, 10 max)
- from point of how good works one scene with another: 6 to 7
- from point of how good does sound match screen: 8
- from point of used different effects: 7
- from point of filesize vs enjoyment: 4 to 5 (its more the filesize of your data.dat that count in negative)
- from point of high-res usage: 2
- from point of power usage: 3 to 4 (can just judge my own build of the directX headers, used fpc latest stable)
- from point of coolness factor: 7
So all in all my feeling for "liking it" is higher than that I was bored.
The movie I do not know yet.
After watching the trailer with original movie intro, last comparision to judge is how close is it to the original: pretty high beside missing text blend ins it look and feel like original.
To be honest I would need to turn slow-mo on, for both, your intro and original trailer, to be able to say that here or there are too huge differences as to judge it good anymore.
From my side both thumbs up!