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I just released a commercial game written in freepascal and lazarus
Для того чтоб люди заинтересовались вашей игрой, вы должны сделать минимальный обзор игры. Один из лучших вариантов - это сделать видеообзор. Человек посмотрит и сможет решить имеет ли смысл брать игру или нет.
Google translate:
In order for people to become interested in your game, you must provide a minimal review of the game. One of the best options is to do a video review. A person will look and be able to decide whether it makes sense to take the game or not.
Thank you, Seenkao.
It seems the general consensus so far that the presentation of the landing page is a major problem.
This is valuable feedback. It identified a blind spot I was not aware of.
I see there you have written how_to_play.pdf, but it can be downloaded only after the game is bought.
I can understand it is hard to prepare limited trial version of the game, but at least this pdf should be available for everyone without paying, don't you agree?
That is a good idea, thank you.
Thank you for your suggestions. I gave them a lot of consideration and integrated them into the release page of the full game as best I could.
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