C:q1=How to set logo with opacity50%of-logo.jpg for anyplayer?
C:q2=How to set position(x,y) inside directx9 for anyplayer?
If anyplayer=aviplayer detect logoDirectx then
the anypler.exe display mylogo.
Please any procedure with delphi7.pas/or/lazarus3.1
Def. The mylogo isequal "my-logo-rulermap.jpg"
Hint= If your logo.images have centrimeters lines,
the you-got many beatiufull screen$
(eg1. "Clipboard01+logo.jpg")
Def. The Clipboard01.jpg=I capture the image0frame
from farmerLover.mp4

I saw the farmerlover.mp4 with "my-logo-rulermap.jpg".