
Author Topic: BUG REPORT: Unable to generate DEB/RPM/TAR installation package from FPC source  (Read 6445 times)


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Available statuses for the following targets(Obtained from the "make help" command):

all Alias for build
build : OK
install :OK
zipinstall :Doubt Independent small file, don't know how to install and use
singlezipinstall :Doubt A single file, no file, I don't know how to install and use
crosszipinstall :Doubt  Two files, no file, I don't know how to install and use
crosssinglezipinstall :Doubt  One files, no file, I don't know how to install and use

Distribution Targets:
rpm: Failed  make: *** There are no rules for making target "rpm". Stop it.
deb: Failed ! /usr/bin/echo "Debian version (3.2.0) is not correct, expect 3.2.2"
inno: Not available on Linux
innox64: Not available on Linux
innox86x64: Not available on Linux
innoce: Not available on Linux
innomsdos: Not available on Linux
innoandroid: Not available on Linux
tar: Failed  make: *** There are no rules for making target "tar". Stop it.

FV based installer Targets:
go32v2zip: Not tested
os2zip: Not tested
sourcezip: Not tested

fpc source: 3.2.2
OS: Linux elementaryOS 7.1


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  • Kallstadt seems a good place to evict Trump to.
This seems to be a case of "oh, well".
Be more descriptive. And distinguish between OS specific installs.
But I am sure they don't want the Trumps back...


  • Jr. Member
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This seems to be a case of "oh, well".
Be more descriptive. And distinguish between OS specific installs.

Win10 has the same problem.


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It feels like no one here cares about FPC.

I've also found a couple of bugs and I'm worried that some of them will be ignored if they are released together.

If I'm familiar enough with FPC, I'll fix it myself.


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It feels like no one here cares about FPC.

What makes you think that on the main forum for FPC?

I've also found a couple of bugs and I'm worried that some of them will be ignored if they are released together.

And did you report them?


  • Jr. Member
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It feels like no one here cares about FPC.

What makes you think that on the main forum for FPC?

I've also found a couple of bugs and I'm worried that some of them will be ignored if they are released together.

And did you report them?

1. Reported bugs have not been dealt with or even tracked.

2. There are often some small but very affecting bugs, which affect the reputation. For example, in the official official version, it is embarrassing to have bugs such as not being able to open.

3. There are some bugs for Chinese users, resulting in the loss of the vast market of China.  For example, in Lazarus, it is not possible to enter Chinese. The shortcut key conflicts with the Chinese input method.

BUG REPORT: Unable to generate DEB/RPM/TAR installation package from FPC source,66974.0.html
——It seems that no one is in charge of this part.

FP IDE(FP.exe) fails to start, Under win,66986.0.html
——Just able to reproduce the glitch, haven't solved the code issue yet. At present, it has been found that only the Chinese version of win10 is affected
« Last Edit: April 17, 2024, 01:43:11 pm by gasensor »


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I fear that some things got lost in translation.

1. Reported bugs have not been dealt with or even tracked.
It is common courtesy that whenever a developer reacts to a post telling/asking if an issue is reported that the issue is reported in a official way by using the bug-tracker.

It is not the responsibility of said developer to report the bug for you or, to "dealt' with (whatever that means in your vision)

2. There are often some small but very affecting bugs, which affect the reputation. For example, in the official official version, it is embarrassing to have bugs such as not being able to open.
As mentioned, if you feel so strong about these issues then please report them at the proper place. The proper place being the official bug-tracker.

3. There are some bugs for Chinese users, resulting in the loss of the vast market of China.  For example, in Lazarus, it is not possible to enter Chinese. The shortcut key conflicts with the Chinese input method.
Lazarus has its own official bug-tracker.

BUG REPORT: Unable to generate DEB/RPM/TAR installation package from FPC source,66974.0.html
——It seems that no one is in charge of this part.

FP IDE(FP.exe) fails to start, Under win,66986.0.html
——Just able to reproduce the glitch, haven't solved the code issue yet. At present, it has been found that only the Chinese version of win10 is affected

Repeating the same thing over and over in the forums is not going to auto-magically place these issues at the proper location, proper location being the bug-tracker.

With regards to bugs, the forums are used to seek help, confirmation, find a workaround, or to ask if someone is able to reproduce so that you are able to verify if the issue you are dealing with is legit (and is worth a bug-report in the official bug-tracker).

The only thing I do not know for sure is if the fpc-bulld project uses (or is suppose to use) it's own (separate) bug-tracker.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2024, 03:35:17 pm by TRon »
I do not have to remember anything anymore thanks to total-recall.


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Quote from: gasensor
3. There are some bugs for Chinese users, resulting in the loss of the vast market of China.  For example, in Lazarus, it is not possible to enter Chinese. The shortcut key conflicts with the Chinese input method.
You can change the keyboard shortcuts as you wish:
Many languages have their own diacritical marks, and trying to exclude them would result in no keyboard shortcut being available.
Best regards / Pozdrawiam


  • Jr. Member
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Quote from: gasensor
3. There are some bugs for Chinese users, resulting in the loss of the vast market of China.  For example, in Lazarus, it is not possible to enter Chinese. The shortcut key conflicts with the Chinese input method.
You can change the keyboard shortcuts as you wish:
Many languages have their own diacritical marks, and trying to exclude them would result in no keyboard shortcut being available.

The problem of not being able to input Chinese is not simple. Changing shortcut keys has no effect. Someone has created a program/patch that enhances Lazarus's ability to input Chinese. But I couldn't find the source code.


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I fear that some things got lost in translation.

It is common courtesy that whenever a developer reacts to a post telling/asking if an issue is reported that the issue is reported in a official way by using the bug-tracker.

It is not the responsibility of said developer to report the bug for you or, to "dealt' with (whatever that means in your vision)

As mentioned, if you feel so strong about these issues then please report them at the proper place. The proper place being the official bug-tracker.

Repeating the same thing over and over in the forums is not going to auto-magically place these issues at the proper location, proper location being the bug-tracker.

With regards to bugs, the forums are used to seek help, confirmation, find a workaround, or to ask if someone is able to reproduce so that you are able to verify if the issue you are dealing with is legit (and is worth a bug-report in the official bug-tracker).

The only thing I do not know for sure is if the fpc-bulld project uses (or is suppose to use) it's own (separate) bug-tracker.

Unable to submit ISSUS for FPP_BUILD on Gitlab.

The more complicated the operation, the fewer people are willing to provide bug information. The current number of FPC users is not large enough to ignore this factor.

Before the official release of the software, regular/basic functions must be tested.

Gitlab is not easy to use.

The average age of users and developers is getting older, making it increasingly urgent to attract young people

« Last Edit: April 17, 2024, 05:16:03 pm by gasensor »


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Unable to submit ISSUS for FPP_BUILD on Gitlab.

It seems that issues aren't enabled for that project. I've now asked the project manager what to do.

Before the official release of the software, regular/basic functions must be tested.

The FPC Build repository is not normally used by endusers. It's used by the release engineers to generate the releases that the end users will use and there testing is part of the release engineering.

Gitlab is not easy to use.

That is just an excuse.


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    • tomboy-ng, a rewrite of the classic Tomboy
rpm: Failed  make: *** There are no rules for making target "rpm". Stop it.
deb: Failed ! /usr/bin/echo "Debian version (3.2.0) is not correct, expect 3.2.2"
inno: Not available on Linux
innox64: Not available on Linux

Building debs, rpms and using inno all require quite specific software tools on your system. Do you already have those things ? Without them, no chance of a build working. I don't think there is any reason to think that the average FPC user, you or me, would be attempting to use those "make targets".

I imagine the necessary build environment is documented somewhere, but again, not something you would find with understanding the process.

Lazarus 3, Linux (and reluctantly Win10/11, OSX Monterey)
My Project - and my github -


  • Jr. Member
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Unable to submit ISSUS for FPP_BUILD on Gitlab.

It seems that issues aren't enabled for that project. I've now asked the project manager what to do.

Before the official release of the software, regular/basic functions must be tested.

The FPC Build repository is not normally used by endusers. It's used by the release engineers to generate the releases that the end users will use and there testing is part of the release engineering.

Gitlab is not easy to use.

That is just an excuse.

FPC has not provided crossinstall installation package since 3.2.0, and users can only find their own way to solve it. This is a big problem for cross-platform embedded development. You can take a look at what I wrote: <Tutorial: Developing STM32F1 Programs with FPC/Lazarus/STLINK in Linux(Detailed)>.  It's just too cumbersome.,66903.0.html

All you need to avoid all this is a separate installation package for embedded. And that's what I want to do. So I tried to DIY and found all sorts of problems.  In particular, the installation system is different from the common C environment.


  • Jr. Member
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rpm: Failed  make: *** There are no rules for making target "rpm". Stop it.
deb: Failed ! /usr/bin/echo "Debian version (3.2.0) is not correct, expect 3.2.2"
inno: Not available on Linux
innox64: Not available on Linux

Building debs, rpms and using inno all require quite specific software tools on your system. Do you already have those things ? Without them, no chance of a build working. I don't think there is any reason to think that the average FPC user, you or me, would be attempting to use those "make targets".

I imagine the necessary build environment is documented somewhere, but again, not something you would find with understanding the process.

As far as I know, dpkg/rpm (rpmbuild) needs to be installed. However, the error message does not provide sufficient/correct information
« Last Edit: April 21, 2024, 12:30:29 am by gasensor »


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