Can't reproduce this situation on a small unit. Changed name of function to PosR for now. Thank you for suggestions.
If this only happens with a more complex project, I would suggest to check (in your project, and any package you wrote yourself or modified) to check if you changed any PATH settings -Fi -Fu -FU -Fe ......
I would also suggest, across all folders (project and packages) to search for duplicate files with the ending .ppu or .o (e.g. if there is a unit1.ppu in 2 different folders that are both in any way accessible for the compiler while compiling the project)
Also ensure to make a very clean build: find and delete all *.ppu and *.o files of your project (and packages)
(except closed source 3rd party packages that only provided ppu/o files, but no sources)
Further more, search if you have any procedures that you explicitly named.
procedure foo; external name 'abc';
procedure foo; external 'abc';
procedure foo; public name 'abc';
or similar stuff...