Forum > Graphics
In my project I need to load/save a compressed image using RLE.
--- Code: Pascal [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} ---// The Run-length encoding method is defined in the US 7912305 B1 patent.// Here’s a quick and dirty definition to this method://// Code Meaning// CCCCCCCC One pixel in color C// 00000000 00LLLLLL L pixels in color 0 (L between 1 and 63)// 00000000 01LLLLLL LLLLLLLL L pixels in color 0 (L between 64 and 16383)// 00000000 10LLLLLL CCCCCCCC L pixels in color C (L between 3 and 63)// 00000000 11LLLLLL LLLLLLLL CCCCCCCC L pixels in color C (L between 64 and 16383)// 00000000 00000000 End of line
To Encode:
--- Code: Pascal [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} ---function EncodeImage(const AImage: TBGRABitmap; out ABuffer: TBytes; out APalette: TFPPalette): Integer;var bmp : TBGRABitmap; quant : TBGRAColorQuantizer; x, y, i, len : Integer; p, r : PBGRAPixel; bytes : TBytesStream; clr : Integer;begin // Reduce image bmp := TBGRABitmap.Create(AImage); quant := TBGRAColorQuantizer.Create(bmp, acFullChannelInPalette, 256); // reduce colors try quant.ApplyDitheringInplace(daNearestNeighbor, bmp); bmp.UsePalette := True; APalette := TFPPalette.Create(quant.ReducedPalette.Count); bmp.Palette.Count := APalette.Count; for i := 0 to quant.ReducedPalette.Count-1 do // copy reduced colors to palette begin bmp.Palette[i] := (quant.ReducedPalette.Color[i].ToFPColor); APalette.Color[i] := bmp.Palette[i]; end; // RLE compress image bytes := TBytesStream.Create; try for y := 0 to bmp.Height-1 do begin p := bmp.Scanline[y]; x := 0; while x < bmp.Width do begin i := quant.ReducedPalette.IndexOfColor(p[x]); if i >= 0 then clr := i else clr := quant.ReducedPalette.FindNearestColorIndex(p[x]); r := bmp.Scanline[y]; len := 1; while (x + len < bmp.Width) and (len < $3FFF) do begin if r[x + len] <> p[x] then Break; Inc(len); end; if (len <= 2) and (clr <> 0) then // One pixel in color C begin bytes.WriteByte(clr); if len = 2 then bytes.WriteByte(clr); end else begin // rle id bytes.WriteByte(0); if (clr = 0) and (len < $40) then // L pixels in color 0 (L between 1 and 63) bytes.WriteByte(len) else if (clr = 0) then // L pixels in color 0 (L between 64 and 16383) begin bytes.WriteByte($40 or (len shr 8)); bytes.WriteByte(len); end else if len < $40 then // L pixels in color C (L between 3 and 63) begin bytes.WriteByte($80 or len); bytes.WriteByte(clr); end else // L pixels in color C (L between 64 and 16383) begin bytes.WriteByte($C0 or (len shr 8)); bytes.WriteByte(len); bytes.WriteByte(clr); end; end; Inc(x, len); end; // end rle id bytes.WriteByte(0); bytes.WriteByte(0); end; finally Result := bytes.Size; SetLength(ABuffer, Result); Move(bytes.Bytes[0], ABuffer[0], Result); bytes.Free; end; finally quant.Free; bmp.Free; end;end;
To Decode:
--- Code: Pascal [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} ---function DecodeImage(const ABuffer: TBytes; const APalette: TFPPalette; const AWidth, AHeight: Integer): TBGRABitmap;var bmp : TBGRABitmap; x, y, idx, i : Integer; b, len : Byte; clr : TBGRAPixel;begin bmp := TBGRABitmap.Create(AWidth, AHeight); idx := 0; for y := 0 to bmp.Height-1 do begin x := 0; while x < bmp.Width do begin b := ABuffer[idx] and $FF; Inc(idx); if (b = 0) and (idx < Length(ABuffer)) then // rle id begin b := ABuffer[idx] and $FF; Inc(idx); if b = 0 then // next line begin Inc(idx); Break; end else if (b and $C0) = $40 then // L pixels in color 0 (L between 1 and 63) begin if (idx < Length(ABuffer)) then begin len := ((b - $40) shl 8) or (ABuffer[idx] and $FF); Inc(idx); clr := FPColorToBGRA(APalette.Color[0]); for i := 1 to len do begin bmp.Scanline[y][x] := clr; Inc(x); end; end; end else if (b and $C0) = $80 then // L pixels in color C (L between 64 and 16383) begin if (idx < Length(ABuffer)) then begin len := (b - $80); b := ABuffer[idx] and $FF; Inc(idx); clr := FPColorToBGRA(APalette.Color[b]); for i := 1 to len do begin bmp.Scanline[y][x] := clr; Inc(x); end; end; end else if (b and $C0) <> 0 then // L pixels in color C (L between 3 and 63) begin if (idx < Length(ABuffer)) then begin len := ((b - $C0) shl 8) or (ABuffer[idx] and $FF); Inc(idx); b := ABuffer[idx] and $FF; Inc(idx); clr := FPColorToBGRA(APalette.Color[b]); for i := 1 to len do begin bmp.Scanline[y][x] := clr; Inc(x); end; end; end else // L pixels in color 0 (L between 64 and 16383) begin clr := FPColorToBGRA(APalette.Color[0]); for i := 1 to b do begin bmp.Scanline[y][x] := clr; Inc(x); end; end; end else // One pixel in color C begin bmp.Scanline[y][x] := FPColorToBGRA(APalette.Color[b]); Inc(x); end; end; end; Result := bmp;end;
But I have problems loading the compressed image, I am attaching the original and the restored one.
Can you guide me what is the fault?
I have a program which reads Utah RLE images.
I am attaching a Zipped RLE image (the forum doesn't allow .RLE files) and a PNG version.
Is this the same format as you are using?
Since you're too lazy to write a MRE, I'll be too lazy to properly test, too.
From what I can read, since the decoded image looks similar, it's not the (de)compression problem (if it's wrong, it would be garbage instead of looking similar). You intentionally reduce the colors by using a TBGRAColorQuantizer.
You have two ways to verify:
* Instead of using your decoder, use an existing image viewer capable of reading RLE compressed bitmaps
* Remove the quantization part and solely compress the image
I don't see any obvious problem with the code.
The output seems to have only 2 colors. I suggest to write the details to the console when a non black pixel is written, to see where this may happen.
I made some changes and uploaded a demo to decode the image, one of the problems I have is the transparency of the image, the black background should be transparent.
Any help is welcome :)
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