Forum > FV/Textmode IDE
IDE instability on Raspberry Pi?
I'm not using the GUI, TRon, just Raspbian Lite. Console all the way :) It's why I'm loving Free Pascal, the text mode IDE has taken me back 40 years, to a better time of programming.
I have a few doing different jobs, they're all solid, with the exception of the new environment I put together for Free Pascal.
Anyway, let's see what happens after I switch to another Pi, with a fresh install of OS and Pascal.
--- Quote from: ron.dunn on March 13, 2024, 08:56:01 pm ---I'm not using the GUI, TRon, just Raspbian Lite.
--- End quote ---
Drats, my bad. Indeed you wrote headless.
--- Quote ---Anyway, let's see what happens after I switch to another Pi, with a fresh install of OS and Pascal.
--- End quote ---
I you can be bothered then let us know if that fixed things for you or not.
There's definitely an issue here. Different Pi, fresh OS, fresh Free Pascal; and the IDE hangs if it is left idle for an extended period of time. It seems to be around 20-30 minutes.
Tried a couple of other editors - Nano, MCEdit - neither has shown the problem.
I also don't see the problem if I'm running on an Intel Linux install, using the same terminal. It seems to be Pi-specific.
--- Quote from: ron.dunn on March 27, 2024, 11:23:49 am ---There's definitely an issue here. Different Pi, fresh OS, fresh Free Pascal; and the IDE hangs if it is left idle for an extended period of time. It seems to be around 20-30 minutes.
--- End quote ---
Have you tired to start from a terminal and activated logging (, yes lazarus is normal build with logging. So it is possible to see what it is doing for this log time.
I don't use Lazarus, is it something that can be done from the IDE?
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