Forum > FV/Textmode IDE

IDE instability on Raspberry Pi?

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--- Quote from: af0815 on March 27, 2024, 12:14:49 pm ---Have you tired to start from a terminal and activated logging (, yes lazarus is normal build with logging. So it is possible to see what it is doing for this log time.

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--- Quote from: ron.dunn on March 28, 2024, 05:11:12 am ---I don't use Lazarus, is it something that can be done from the IDE?

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No, LazLogger is Lazarus specific.


--- Quote from: ron.dunn on March 28, 2024, 05:11:12 am ---I don't use Lazarus, is it something that can be done from the IDE?

--- End quote ---
The IDE is usually interpreted as Lazarus, not the textmode IDE where you are referring to.
AARCH64 is quite a new architecture for the pi, so it may well be that there are some issues with fp, the textmode ide.

I can confirm some problems with ./fpc/bin/fp text ide on RPI4 bookworm.

I can access all the menu options, except File. When activating or selecting the File mainmenu option, the IDE freezes.
Also... when opening menu, options and help, after escaping out of that window, the window itself stays on screen (as ghost image).

I'll try on a RPI3 bookworm later on.

On rpi3 with bookworm 64bit it also hangs on File menu.
With rpi3 with bullseye 32bit it works but the screen handling is still a mess via SSH.

Thank you rvk, it's good to know I'm not the only one :)


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