Hmm, the FCL does have an RTF parser, SRC/fpc-3.2.2/packages/fcl-base/src/rtfpars.pp
That might be a good place to start looking. It looks like it is used in LazReport so you might, if very lucky, find some sample code. Writing a parser of your own from scratch might be a substantial undertaking !
Unless you are working with a small subset of RTF ....
That's useful info thanks, I'll look into that, oddly I am using a tiny sub-set, and have a...sorta solve, but it actually makes very rubbish html then i convert that to what I want. I'll cut out the middle man soon. Right now it works lol.
Generally I started a journey today to replace an annoying dash that was about immune as a cockroach to being destroyed. But I got there in the end. I've managed to gain the rtf, and convert it simplistically, ffor now, and remove that darn dash!

But thanks for your reply. I will look into that parser and do something to improve the one I've got. Oddly I'm not especially working in rtf, even though I'm using an rtf controll, so the simplistic mark up I use isn't so difficult to work with. But rtf...yeah...not so easy
