I read enough to want to try it.
Using Linux Mint Software Manager, the latest version is 2.2, so badly out of date.
Saw this post about latest release, but none of the links work.
https://forum.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php/topic,66420.0.htmlWhere it says "The release is available for download on SourceForge:"
http://sourceforge.net/projects/lazarus/files/The SourceForge link is to 3.0 files, none of the subdirectories have 3.2. And when I try to download 3.0 deb from this link, I get a countdown from 5 to 0 and then nothing.
So I click the "Downloads (Laz+FPC)" link in the left sidebar, and I get a SourceForge error that "The sourceforge.net website is temporarily in static offline mode."
Is there a reliable source from which a current binary installer for Lazarus can be downloaded?