I would do two things:
- Compile with {$mode TP}, because the default for fpc is {$mode fpc} and that has some differences.
You can also do that from the commandline using fpc -Mtp <your code>
- Check if 100 is really set in the code. If it is not in your code it means that you have a Disk read error. See:
https://www.freepascal.org/docs-html/current/user/userap4.html#x191-198000DThose are the same numbers as TP6.0 maps to, with - close to - the same error string.
Otherwise we need to see the code.
(And there are quite a few seasoned TP users, including me and probably Marco, on this forum so you
will get a correct answer )
I have TP1, TP3 and TP5.5 running in a dosbox to compare such issues against FPC's TP mode.