Dzandaa, I like the way yours resizes nicely. Very slick. BTW, why is the memo there?
To alter the
number of circles to eight circles, we need to adjust this (so loop to 8 and make Pi/4 of which the divisor is half of eight )
DrawPanel.Canvas.Ellipse(X - R, Y - R, X + R, Y + R);
for int1 := 1 to
8 do
DrawCircle(Round(X + 2 * R * Cos((int1 - 1) * Pi /
Round(Y + 2 * R * Sin((int1 - 1) * Pi /
Round(R / 4.2), n - 1, k);
So to alter the number of circles with a TSpinedit and adjust the distance of the circles from the center with TTrackbar:
for int1 := 1 to se_NumCircles.value do
RecursiveCircle(Round(X + (TrackBar1.Position / 100) * R * Cos((int1 - 1) * Pi / (0.5*se_NumCircles.value))),
Round(Y + (TrackBar1.Position / 100) * R * Sin((int1 - 1) * Pi / (0.5*se_NumCircles.value))),
Round(R / 4.2), n - 1, k);
Josh, what I was aiming for was with another pattern in the center, as shown below.
So I was thinking:
How do I isolate just one of the intricate patterns, copy it to a temp buffer, resize it slightly and paste it transparently to the center?
Just include another in the center by altering the algorithm?