Just a babbled...
You can use github.com free for versioning your Source Codes.
This means, that you can give all your Friends, new, and up to date Version's of your current Source Code(s).
github is a Tool like - not more, and not lesser.
Your friends can be point you to a pull Request, which means, you can test, and merge the Source Code that comes not from you.
For github.com, it give some other Tools, that can Help you to manage the Source Tree's.
Me, as Developer, I use "github for the Windows Desktop".
It is Free, and since github was buy by Microsoft, you have a Tool, which comes from Hand in Hand.
I like it - it is simple...
You create a new Reprository on github.com under your Account, and you can "clone" the fresh new Repro locally - either with Help of github Desktop Application, or (what I prefer) under the Command Line Console.
Then, I "import" the Repro, that resides in your Local Source Tree.
A common Task of me is, to copy the Repro to a Second Path with all Sub-Directories (included the hidden .git Folder)
That make it possible, to have a Work-Directory, in which You can develop, and with help of the github Desktop Tool, you can easily click to a File to mark it as "ignore".
That make it possible, to "not" push the File into your Source Tree remote at github.com.
If you make any Changes in/on you working Files, GitHubDesktop App will realize it, and you can "commit", and "push" new State of the Source Code with just few Mouse-Click's.
Then, you can provide your friends new Source Code, that can be "clone" again, or is downloadable by the Zip Link.
So, I don't see the Fact or Point, where did you worry about...