
Author Topic: Why do Lazarus users share code via zip files rather than repo links?  (Read 7160 times)


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Re: Why do Lazarus users share code via zip files rather than repo links?
« Reply #30 on: February 25, 2024, 02:37:53 pm »
Then download Github desktop app, and is easy to clone and upload the repo.
No thank you. I have many other git repositories (not hosted at github) and I really would like to be able to still use them instead of having that software not playing nice with any of my customized git settings.
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Re: Why do Lazarus users share code via zip files rather than repo links?
« Reply #31 on: February 25, 2024, 02:48:19 pm »
Then download Github desktop app, and is easy to clone and upload the repo.
No thank you. I have many other git repositories (not hosted at github) and I really would like to be able to still use them instead of having that software not playing nice with any of my customized git settings.

Then use Sourcetree made by Bitbucket. It supports github as well, bitbucket for sure and gitlab.


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Re: Why do Lazarus users share code via zip files rather than repo links?
« Reply #32 on: February 25, 2024, 02:50:56 pm »
Then use Sourcetree made by Bitbucket. It supports github as well, bitbucket for sure and gitlab.
Very convenient. I'll let all my client's know... if you know what I mean ?
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Re: Why do Lazarus users share code via zip files rather than repo links?
« Reply #33 on: February 25, 2024, 02:52:05 pm »
That if you are at Windows or mac.

If you're on Linux use GitKraken.

If you do not want no problem. Anyone with his tools.


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Re: Why do Lazarus users share code via zip files rather than repo links?
« Reply #34 on: February 25, 2024, 03:03:41 pm »
If you do not want no problem. Anyone with his tools.
No problem at all lainz. It is all good.

I just don't like when people suggest something without considering the consequences (at least it looks that way). It is fair in case you do not have the knowledge but in that case be careful about making such suggestion. I would not have known either if I was not using several hosts, tried to come up with a solution and ran into issues trying most (if not all) of them.
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Re: Why do Lazarus users share code via zip files rather than repo links?
« Reply #35 on: February 25, 2024, 03:10:09 pm »

Well I don't use local repos or other than github gitlab and bit bucket.

So I can say it works for me on Windows. Also I don't have another way of accessing bitbucket since they removed the credentials for a login with Google.

So feel safe if you only use github gitlab and bitbucket.

The only thing it changes is the email AFAIK.


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Re: Why do Lazarus users share code via zip files rather than repo links?
« Reply #36 on: February 26, 2024, 09:26:15 am »
Ever tried tar.xz ?
Now I tried. It beats even .7z!
Code: [Select]      638,5 kB
richmemo.tar.gz   616,2 kB
richmemo.7z       562,0 kB
richmemo.tar.xz   561,6 kB
Of course it cannot be used because Windows does not support it and installing the support would be risky. Virus can attack and whatever can happen.
It is funny how this open source project forum is dictated by Microsoft policies and its inferior product.
OK, Windows does less things but also consumes less computer resources ... no it doesn't. That was sarcasm.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2024, 04:23:36 am by JuhaManninen »
Mostly Lazarus trunk and FPC 3.2 on Manjaro Linux 64-bit.


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Re: Why do Lazarus users share code via zip files rather than repo links?
« Reply #37 on: February 26, 2024, 09:32:31 am »
Common is really easy to create a repository. 2FA is easy as well and you need to use it only once in a while.

If you don't carry a corporate telephone with limited app installation options of course. Or lug an extra 2FA device along everywhere you go.

IMHO 2FA is a pain in the *ss.

Joanna from IRC

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Re: Why do Lazarus users share code via zip files rather than repo links?
« Reply #38 on: February 26, 2024, 02:14:13 pm »
I’m one of those 7zip users when I want to share code with friends.

Using a public repo especially one with mutable policies and two factor authentication is out of the question. I’m very annoyed with the trend towards excluding everyone who doesn’t provide a Cell phone number that accepts text messages! I am no longer able to see code in public repositories on GitHub anymore. I wish people would stop giving me links to GitHub and assuming that I will see something. I have no GitHub account so not happening.  ;D

I believe in general that all code should be kept in the forums and not rely upon third party repositories and that the forums content should be very well backed up so that it is never lost.

 Personally I don’t even much care for opening zip files from forums, I prefer the imbedded code window for looking at code.
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Re: Why do Lazarus users share code via zip files rather than repo links?
« Reply #39 on: February 26, 2024, 03:48:38 pm »
I wish people would stop giving me links to GitHub and assuming that I will see something. I have no GitHub account so not happening.  ;D

Joanna, stop there: you are not arguing from an informed position.

Now, I'm at least as anti-Github/lab as you are, and judging by the tenor of many of your postings I'm substantially less tolerant of various forms of social media.

/However/, there are two ways of using something based on a Version Control System (i.e. Git or its predecessors).

* You run an appropriate program, and copy/clone the entire repository.

* You ask it for a snapshot of the current build.

Now, I've already made a case for the reason that neither of those is really appropriate for publishing a small number of files in the context of a forum question or an example that somebody wants to make available: neither provides a reliable snapshot of the user's problem or output.

However, if you go to e.g. with any browser that isn't locked down to the point of unusability ** then you will see a green "Code" button, and after clicking that a link "Download ZIP". You emphatically DO NOT need to get yourself a user ID (unless, obviously, you have been directed to a private repository), or engage with 2FA etc.

** Apropos browsers. If you have Firefox then it supports multiple profiles, which can individually have Javascript disabled, by limited by anti-scripting plugins, and so on. I invariably have one on my screen which is locked down extremely hard, and I agree that that- and only that- has problems accessing Github content. Links you have posted in the past suggest that you're somewhat more relaxed about online content than that.

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GitHub repositories:


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Re: Why do Lazarus users share code via zip files rather than repo links?
« Reply #40 on: February 26, 2024, 04:17:08 pm »
Just a babbled...

You can use free for versioning your Source Codes.
This means, that you can give all your Friends, new, and up to date Version's of your current Source Code(s).

github is a Tool like - not more, and not lesser.

Your friends can be point you to a pull Request, which means, you can test, and merge the Source Code that comes not from you.
For, it give some other Tools, that can Help you to manage the Source Tree's.
Me, as Developer, I use "github for the Windows Desktop".

It is Free, and since github was buy by Microsoft, you have a Tool, which comes from Hand in Hand.

I like it - it is simple...
You create a new Reprository on under your Account, and you can "clone" the fresh new Repro locally - either with Help of github Desktop Application, or (what I prefer) under the Command Line Console.
Then, I "import" the Repro, that resides in your Local Source Tree.
A common Task of me is, to copy the Repro to a Second Path with all Sub-Directories (included the hidden .git Folder)
That make it possible, to have a Work-Directory, in which You can develop, and with help of the github Desktop Tool, you can easily click to a File to mark it as "ignore".
That make it possible, to "not" push the File into your Source Tree remote at

If you make any Changes in/on you working Files, GitHubDesktop App will realize it, and you can "commit", and "push" new State of the Source Code with just few Mouse-Click's.

Then, you can provide your friends new Source Code, that can be "clone" again, or is downloadable by the Zip Link.

So, I don't see the Fact or Point, where did you worry about...


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Re: Why do Lazarus users share code via zip files rather than repo links?
« Reply #41 on: February 26, 2024, 04:59:05 pm »
Ever tried tar.xz ?
Now I tried. It beats even .7z!
I had a small suspicion it might  ;D

Point being, new compression techniques keep evolving and find its way back in "traditional" archivers.

Thank you for posting the results JuhaManninen

Of course it cannot be used because Windows does not support it and installing the support would be risky. Virus can attack and whatever can happen.
Oh, isn't WSL the first thing Windows users install then ?  O:-)

It is funny how this open source project forum is dictated by Microsoft policies and its inferior product.
On the other hand I do prefer traditional in the sense that this SMF is old-school forum software. Those new "look ma it just looks like I am having a conversation on my phone" forum software are an abomination where it is practically impossible to locate older threads, let alone be able to attach something useful like archived code (there the emphasize is on embedding youtube and switch video's).

But I digress (even further from the original topic)
I do not have to remember anything anymore thanks to total-recall.

Joanna from IRC

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Re: Why do Lazarus users share code via zip files rather than repo links?
« Reply #42 on: February 27, 2024, 01:58:59 am »
@markml I just looke at your link and yes I did see a green button and clicked it an nothing seems to happen. Maybe it’s my computer? Then I tried to look at a file in there
It is not showing me any code and there appears to be a thin red progress bar under the “code” on left side that doesn’t ever advance past “code”.
Not a good user experience I’d say.

Another thing I’d like to share with other zip enthusiasts is that some email providers such as gmail will not let you send large files. My friend had to use a russian email address before I could send him my Modest application.Exe file.
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Re: Why do Lazarus users share code via zip files rather than repo links?
« Reply #43 on: February 27, 2024, 02:50:36 am »
@markml I just looke at your link and yes I did see a green button and clicked it an nothing seems to happen. Maybe it’s my computer? Then I tried to look at a file in there
It is not showing me any code and there appears to be a thin red progress bar under the “code” on left side that doesn’t ever advance past “code”.

I ever had problems viewing/downloading files on github, if I remember correctly that happened when I used Pale Moon browser. So now if I want to visit GitHub, I use Firefox.

Another thing I’d like to share with other zip enthusiasts is that some email providers such as gmail will not let you send large files. My friend had to use a russian email address before I could send him my Modest application.Exe file.

I use Box and Mega.

Joanna from IRC

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Re: Why do Lazarus users share code via zip files rather than repo links?
« Reply #44 on: February 27, 2024, 05:14:07 am »
@handoko do you have a GitHub account? Maybe it can recognize the computers of people who have accounts even if not logged in..
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