Forum > Databases
What are the similar/alternative packages to TdxDBGridController?
What are the similar/alternative packages to TdxDBGridController?
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I came across this a few weeks ago and find it quite good, with the only problem being it doesn't enable filtering between ranges, unless it exists and I've missed it by not following the documentation and examples well enough.
Are there any similar packages, whether Lazarus or Delphi?
I suspect there are better ones for Delphi but may not be free?
Just look on your own what qualifies to your requirement.
For Delphi you can look exemplary at Torry and maybe port something to Lazarus, just one of many pages that deal with components if the basics are not making you happy.
--- Quote from: vfclists on February 23, 2024, 08:49:17 pm ---What are the similar/alternative packages to TdxDBGridController?
Wiki -
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I came across this a few weeks ago and find it quite good, with the only problem being it doesn't enable filtering between ranges, unless it exists and I've missed it by not following the documentation and examples well enough.
Are there any similar packages, whether Lazarus or Delphi?
I suspect there are better ones for Delphi but may not be free?
--- End quote ---
I will inform you when filtering by range will be available. In the next version bugfix + new features
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