
Author Topic: Is VirtualTreeView the best option for a filterable grid display in Lazarus?  (Read 516 times)


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Is VirtualTreeView the best option for a filterable grid display in Lazarus?

My investigations and previous queries lead me to believe that a VirtualTreeView is the best option for creating a filterable grid.

Others I have noted are TListView, TTreeFilterEdit and TListBox in order of preference.

Currently I use a TGrid which doesn't seem to have any filtering options built-in unless I've missed something.

My other option is to use a TDBGrid with an in-memory dataset and some filters, but I'm trying to avoid the everything is a database outlook, which is something I want to avoid until I build SQLite3 statically into the program.
Lazarus 3.0/FPC 3.2.2


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