As always, using a camera on lazarus with Windows is not as easy as in Linux 
You are totally right! I went crazy :-) Because Opencv was lacking camera tuning (contrast, etc.),
and DSPack was very low level.
But now things are a (bit) different.
In Laz Win Dspack the relevant examples are missing. You can download from Delphi DSPack Github
the Demos/D6-D7/SampleGrabber. Maybe it has to be adapted a bit to Lazarus.
More, I attach a Delphi unit I wrote. There is a class that, using DSPack, exposes some useful functions. For example
list all Directshow video sources, select one of them, change parameters (contrast, brightness, ..),
capture a frame, show the video source native dialogs.
Also this unit probably has to be adapted to Lazarus.