And that has always been my point in both that thread I linked in my first post and this one - if you are going to stop posting then I will, and just seek help on other forums.
I have not followed this thread (only skimmed through it) and I can at least make some conclusions/advise (you can take my comments as you prefer):
- Michalis is the authority when it comes to the castle game-engine so any advise coming from him is golden
- you might be (or get) confused by compiler messages but be warned that the messages that the Free Pascal compiler produces are much more informative then those of most other compilers (usually they are far more cryptic and not even directly associated by the error that was made)
- In light of the previous point, it is advisable to get yourself more familiar with the compiler and the Pascal language (Free Pascal dialect in particular)
- It is never advisable to go in deep using 3th party implementations/libraries without having at least some basic (Pascal) language knowledge/skills
- Seeking help on other forums can be an (perfect valid) option but be warned that unless you are able to find someone that is able and willing to invest time in trying to learn you some basic language skills in order to get yourself acquainted to/with the compiler then it most likely will end up in a similar manner as this thread
There is some nice expression in the English language that says: never try to run when you can't even walk.
Whether or not that applies to your (current) situation I am unable to tell for sure but it sure looks (a lot) like it. And there is no shame in that in case it is.... it just requires a bit of patience and the willing to take the time to learn some basic skills.
And you do not have to take my word for it but we've all been there on time or another and it can get quite frustrating if you are fighting the language/compiler instead of taking a deep breath and try to come up with another approach. You might even come to the conclusion that the Pascal language is perhaps even something you do not wish to pursue.
2 cents.