One more remark. Two dimensional arrays defined as [0..height,0..width] are in Evaluate/Modify displayed as tables. As soon the array is three dimensional it is no longer displayed as a table. Assume the array is defined as [0..2,0..height,0..width] I would expect three tables of width x height. See screenshot.
I have started on this.
Not yet complete...In the watch properties (and the defaults in the global/project options) it is now possible to set the nest-level up to which line wrapping occurs. ("0"/zero => no wrapping at all).
That will display deeper nested arrays (and class/records) with a new line for each entry. However, if you have different array-depth, then it can happen that even the most inner array may be line wrapped. So instead of
you would get
which may not be wanted.
Currently for that, you must fore each watch change the max-depth setting in the watch property.
I am thinking of adding an option "Do not wrap array, if entries are basic types" => that is if the elements of the array are
not structures or arrays they will be kept in one line, even if the max-depth would have them wrapped. It will be an options, so if you an array of integers shown vertical, it will still be possible.
I may also add other options. Maybe control amount of indent (currently 2 spaces), different max-depth for array vs structure, empty line between elements on top level,...
This setting has only effect if watches are shown multi line (evaluate, hint, watch-detail pane)
Watch detail pane and evaluate window now have an option to toggle line wrap. (though Windows does not abide to it, if the length exceeds 1024)
It would also be very nice if the address did _not_ include all the leading zeroes.
I did include that option for normal numbers, but did not thought of pointers.
Pointers/Addresses now have a checkbox to omit leading zeros.