At the moment there is no convenient way to output to a terminal....
There may be 2 ways, but I have tested neither, and they are well... workarounds
1) Use the "gdb server" debugger. Then you can open a shell of your choice, and run your app under gdbserver. You must start that by hand, the IDE will not do it for you. gdb server will pause your project, the IDE can connect to it, and you can debug.
2) using the gdb debugger, in the settings for the gdb debugger is a property grid. It has some setting for a "pty" (I don't have my Linux running now, so not sure of the exact details).
If you have a terminal open, and print that terminals pty, then you can enter it here, and your app will connect to it. But if you do input, it will be shared with the shell....
So neither of those 2 is really good.
On Mac the LLDB debugger can open a terminal, not sure if it can on Linux.
EDIT: the internal tty may even exist for fpdebug (not sure, currently on Windows)