Forum > Lazarus Extra Components

LazReport: how to export to PDF in A4 when the only printer is 80mm?

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--- Quote from: TRon on January 30, 2024, 10:01:18 pm ---
--- Quote from: lainz on January 30, 2024, 09:47:32 pm ---I forget to say it's Linux Mint 32 bit... nothing can be installed, the fix should come from patching or changing the code of lazreport....

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Uhm... I fear that in that case you can expect to have to wait a long time. I fail to recognize how this can be solved by lazreport. Could you elaborate why lazreport could be accountable for the chopped off bits ? (I really can't seem to wrap my head around it)

fwiw: I use many programs (on Linux) and while I actually do (still) have a printer, make use of a virtual pdf printer using cups which allows me to print to a variety of different 'paper formats', even a0 if required :)

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You're lucky, you can install that software, but the problem is that we can't install in each customer device now...


--- Quote from: lainz on January 30, 2024, 10:25:55 pm ---You're lucky, you can install that software, but the problem is that we can't install in each customer device now...

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Yeah, I understand and indeed I am a lucky in the way that for customers I can use that solution as well.

--- Quote from: lainz on January 30, 2024, 10:09:05 pm ---Our system is cross platform and the bug is only in that Linux machine. So it should be about lazreport trying to get A4 size that's predefined somewhere in that printer, but there's no way of fixing the A4 size? If is wrong defined in that 80mm printer?

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I understand but that is what I more or less expected and tried to express with my initial reply: wrong information returned by printer causing software related issues. I am not familiar with lazreport's internal details enough to make any statements but could it perhaps be addressed with fiddling the margins (the right margin in particular) ?

The only other solution I see that some software offer is to try and fit the produced document to the printer canvas by means of scaling (and sometime offers a user defined scaling factor)


--- Quote from: lainz on January 30, 2024, 10:09:05 pm ---Is an ESC/POS printer with a linux system. There are no other printers available.

Our system is cross platform and the bug is only in that Linux machine. So it should be about lazreport trying to get A4 size that's predefined somewhere in that printer, but there's no way of fixing the A4 size? If is wrong defined in that 80mm printer?

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And you're printing via some ppd driver in that case ? What is exactly that printer ? Some Bixolon 350 or similar ?

Is there a chance, to edit the pdfs?

Do you use points or pixels for font sizes. Should be points, not pixels. eg negative vs positive values.


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