KodeZwerg: you're right - the steps you're doing work the same for me as well.
But this wasn't the issue I meant to ask about.
Maybe I didn't explain myself properly. What I meant, is editing the predefined application menu, by adding items, or changing procedures.
Test 1:
When you make a new application, and you do
not add a MainMenu, then when running the application and empty "project1" application menu will appear.
Test 2:
Same test, but now we add a MainMenu to the form,
without adding any menu items!
Now when you run the application you will see that the application menu has a few predefined items (see my screenshot).
Some are predefined by macOS (Services, and the hide/show items) and one that has been added by Lazarus (
Quit project1).
The issue I run into is that at designtime this automatically added menu is not shown in the menu editor, and I do not seem to have any easy options to add more items to the already existing "
project1" menu, or change the "Quit" behavior.
So yes, I can add new menu's, each with whatever items I want. Those added menu's works as expected.
But I cannot add an item to the "
project1" application menu (the one shown in the screenshot), or influence what clicking the "Quit project1" does.
In my applications I use the method described in the Wiki to add this application menu and I was able to freely add other items (as seen with other macOS applications).
For example:
I would add a menu item "Settings..." about the "Services" menu item ©mpare the screenshot from Lazarus and my previous screenshot).
So what is the recommended method to do this?
Also: how can I assign a procedure to the "Quit project1" menu item?