Forum > Linux
Disk status snip for Raspios linux.
Hello FPC people,
Does anybody have a native snip for:
1 = a function to read the max disk capacity
2 = a function to read the used space
3 = a function to read data rate processed
For example for /dev/sda1
On Raspios linux for the RPI ZERO or RPI-3
Greets, Wouter van Wegen, PascalByThree...
PS: Photo from my new NAS project included. Now working on the PRI MOD
PS2: A name of a component pack will also do fine.
Edit: the sysutils unit got Diskfree DiskSize in it. Only Waiting for the datarate solution.
Yay! it got to work already!
--- Code: Pascal [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} ---program WVW_NAS_CONSOLE_TEST_V4; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} uses {$IFDEF UNIX} cthreads, {$ENDIF} Classes, uThreadTimer, SysUtils, CustApp, crt, sockets, baseunix; const IPPROTO_IP = 0; IF_NAMESIZE = 16; SIOCGIFCONF = $8912; type {$packrecords c} tifr_ifrn = record case integer of 0 : (ifrn_name: array [0..IF_NAMESIZE-1] of char); end; PIFrec = ^TIFrec; TIFrec = record ifr_ifrn : tifr_ifrn; case integer of 0 : (ifru_addr : TSockAddr); end; TIFConf = record ifc_len : longint; case integer of 0 : (ifcu_buf : pointer); 1 : (ifcu_req : ^tifrec); end; var olddiskused: Int64; function GetLocalIPs:string;var i,n,Sd : Integer; buf : Array[0..1023] of byte; ifc : TIfConf; ifp : PIFRec; names:string;begin sd:=fpSocket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,IPPROTO_IP); result:=''; if (sd<0) then exit; Try ifc.ifc_len:=Sizeof(Buf); ifc.ifcu_buf:=@buf; if fpioctl(sd, SIOCGIFCONF, @ifc)<0 then Exit; n:= ifc.ifc_len; i:=0; names:=''; While (i<n) do begin ifp:=PIFRec(PByte(ifc.ifcu_buf)+i); names:=names+ ifp^.ifr_ifrn.ifrn_name+ ' '; //if i>0 then result:=result+','; result:=NetAddrToStr(ifp^.ifru_addr.sin_addr); i:=i+sizeof(TIFrec); end; Finally fileClose(sd); end;end; procedure DoOnTimer(Sender: TObject);var varDISKused:Int64; varDISKFree:Int64; varDISKSize:Int64; varMBadded :Int64;begin ClrScr; Writeln('********************************'+#10+#13); writeln('IP: '+GetLocalIPs+#10+#13); Writeln ('Now : ',FormatDateTime('hh:nn:ss',now)+#10+#13); varDISKfree := DISKfree(0); varDISKfree := round(varDISKfree / 1024); // KB varDISKfree := round(varDISKfree / 1024); // MB writeln('Diskfree: '+IntToStr(varDiskfree)+' MB'+#10+#13); varDISKSize := DISKSize(0); varDISKSize := round(varDISKSize / 1024); // KB varDISKSize := round(varDISKSize / 1024); // MB writeln('Disksize: '+IntToStr(varDISKSize)+' MB'+#10+#13); olddiskused := varDISKused; varDISKused := Disksize(0) - Diskfree(0); varDISKused := round(varDISKused / 1024); // KB varDISKused := round(varDISKused / 1024); // MB writeln('Diskused: '+IntToStr(varDISKused)+' MB'+#10+#13); varMBadded := varDISKused - olddiskused; writeln('Added: '+IntToStr(varMBadded)+' MB/s'+#10+#13); Writeln('********************************'+#10+#13);end; var ThreadTimer: TThreadTimer; M: TMethod;begin olddiskused := varDISKused; ThreadTimer := TThreadTimer.Create(True); ThreadTimer.Interval := 1000; M.Data := nil; M.Code := @DoOnTimer; ThreadTimer.OnTimer := TNotifyEvent(M); ThreadTimer.StartTimer; Writeln('Press a key to terminate'); Readln; ThreadTimer.StopTimer; ThreadTimer.Terminate; ThreadTimer.WaitFor;end.
Now i am going to fuck I2C on it later on. In a few weeks!
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