
Author Topic: BGRA Controls Package Icons  (Read 1430 times)

andrew Bubble

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BGRA Controls Package Icons
« on: December 03, 2023, 10:26:33 am »
Hi All

I am currently using Lazarus V3.99 on a PI 5 and I have installed the following packages via the online Online package manager.

uEControls, BGRA Controls, BGRA Button Controls and BGRA Themes.

I have read recently that the BGRA Controls have been updated due to icons not showing correctly on the Lazarus pallet at the top.

Some of these are still showing the default Lazarus component icon, the three coloured bricks. These are the components that are not showing the correct icons.

uEControls - TuEButton, TuEGauge, TueTileImage and TueTilePanel.

BGRA Controls - TShapeLineBGRA, TBCCheckComboBox, TBCMaterialEdit, TBCMaterialFloatSpinEdit, TBCMaterialProgressBarMarquee, TBCMaterialSpinEdit and TBCRoundedImage

BGRA Button Controls - TBCGradientButton.

BGRA Themes - TGBRASVGImageList and TGBRASVGTheme.

It is strange that most of them show, is there something I have not installed.

Regards Andrew


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Re: BGRA Controls Package Icons
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2023, 11:48:50 am »
It turned out that the error related to not showing icons on the component palette is due to the latest BGRABitmap update (11.5.7) - I reported a issue:
To fix the problem, install the previous version of BGRABitmap: 
Replace component files and reuild Lazarus IDE. 
Some components may not have icons assigned by the package developer - as is the case with these few components from BGRAControls
Best regards / Pozdrawiam


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