Hi All
Strange issue here, I am using Lazarus version 2.2.6+dfsg2-2 on a Raspberry PI 5 bookworm but with Wayland disabled (issues with extra widgets).
If I make a simple application with say one TButton, I can click on the button and the normal button click procedure appears in the source editor all is ok.
If I then simply run and stop the application, if I add another TButton, this shows on the form but in the source file header only Button1 is shown.
If I click the second button I get the following error.
Unable to create new method, please fix the error shown, the error shown in the Messages is unit1.pas Error unit not found StdCtrls.
If I try to close the application and then open it there appears to be gohst buttons shown on the form.
Only if I shut down Lazarus and launch it again can I open the application.
Regards Andrew