First of all, I don't know if "fields" are a problem. Could be, but all I recall are "global vars" => outside a class.
Another point: "ClearInsertMode" is not virtual?
Fpc 3.3.1 (aka trunk) is a development version. There is no installer. FpcUpDeluxe can install it for you. But as it is a development version it may not be as stable as the released version (you may run into other issues)
also I just noticed:
procedure TMirList.ClearInsertMode; INLINE;
That is in the implementation section.
What abount
TMirList = class
procedure ClearInsertMode; INLINE; // << is there an inline here too??
If not that may explain it.
If you don't have an inline at the declaration (in the interface section), then calls to ClearInsertMode are only inlined if
- they are from the same unit
- from a line, below the code of ClearInsertMode
- ... if at all