As a very Newbie..searching for a new way to develop programs and apps when I able retire at 60 next year. The idea was very appealing to be able to write code once for all platforms.
So I started a journey, learn Pascal and Lazarus and enter a new world.
Setting up Lazarus was going ok. For Android it's a different story.
I found it confusing. You need to set up a different version of Lazarus or is the current version going to be influenced?
I run a dual boot Linux with windows. So to be 'save' I used the windows side to try out Lazarus for android. LAMW didn't work with the new versions of Lazarus. So every thing went bad. But I saw there were two versions. Lazarus and LazAndroid after installing lazandroid. But nothing was working without LAMW, I guess? So I tryed the other option to install fpcupdeluxe on Linux. The setup was successful but Google wanted me to install an update. So I did that. So now I was able to build a GUI with a button and a textfield. Trying to run this, didn't work so I searched and found you need to set up an emulator. No succes at that neighter. In a forum I found someone suggesting you should install Android studio. I installed Android studio via a snap. I think that messed it up good. Can I stille save this situation? And get my attemps working is an emulator?
Many thanks, Rbart