Forum > Embedded - AVR
I2C: From AVR master to RPI slave, code help!
Hey can anybody / MarkMLl help me out with these two peaces of source code?
I meed to use the Raspberry as Slave and the AVR as master to send strings/bytes throug the I2C stack!
FPC Raspberry code:
--- Code: Pascal [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} ---program ei_eio_i2c_55; (* This is a companion to ei_eio_serial.ino, which is assumed to be compiled *)(* with I2C support enabled and to respond to "EI\r" with "EIO\r". MarkMLl. *) {$mode objfpc}{$H+}{$assertions on } uses Sysutils, BaseUnix, crt; const I2C_SLAVE = 1795; type responseType= (none, bad, ok); var slave: dword= $55; fd: cint; scratch: integer; ei: string[15]= 'EI' + #$0d; response: string; (* Convert the Data parameter from a word to a pointer. This should have lots of sanity checks, i.e. that the IOCTL number is known to be one that doesn't take a pointer, that the value being cast is actually small and so on. *) function fpIoctl(Handle: cint; Ndx: TIOCtlRequest; Data: dword): cint; begin Assert(Ndx = I2C_SLAVE, 'Bad IOCTL number'); Assert(Data < 256, 'Bad IOCTL parameter'); result := BaseUnix.FpIOCtl(Handle, Ndx, pointer(ptruint(Data))) end { fpIoctl } ; (* Assume that messages are fixed-format and that we're looking for EIO followed by stuff. *) function getResponse(Handle: cint): responseType; // Apparently an Arduino I2C message is restricted by buffer length to 32 bytes,// and a serial message to 64 bytes. This suggests that, assuming text-format// rather than binary data, individual lines are probably best kept below 32// characters and possibly when generated zero-padded to precisely 32 bytes even// if trimmed before being sent as text. begin response := '........................'; (* 24 characters *) Sleep(100); (* Milliseconds *) if fpRead(Handle, response[1], 24) <> 24 then if response[1] = '.' then (* No response at all *) exit(none) else (* Didn't get to \r *) exit(bad); if (Pos('EIO', response) <> 1) or (Pos(#$0d, response) = 0) then exit(bad) (* Not quite right *) else begin (* Got it *) SetLength(response, Pos(#$0d, response) - 1); exit(ok) end end { getResponse } ; begin fd := fpOpen('/dev/i2c-1', O_RDWR); Assert(fd >= 0, 'Open failed'); scratch := fpIoctl(fd, I2C_SLAVE, slave); Assert(scratch = 0, 'Slave assignment failed'); repeat case getResponse(fd) of none: WriteLn('Read timed out'); bad: WriteLn('Read incomplete') end; until keypressed; scratch := fpClose(fd); Assert(scratch = 0, 'Close failed'); WriteLn('EXIT OK')end.
Freepascal AVR code:
--- Code: Pascal [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} --- program WVW_LEFT; uses i2c, delay; procedure ModePortB(Pin: byte; Value: Boolean); begin if Value then begin DDRB := DDRB or (1 shl pin); end else begin DDRB := DDRB and not (1 shl pin); end; end; procedure WritePortB(Pin: byte; Value: Boolean); begin if Value then begin PORTB := PORTB or (1 shl pin); end else begin PORTB := PORTB and not (1 shl pin); end; end; const AddressI2C = $55; var i2c_master: TI2CMaster; i, wb ,data: byte; S:String; C:Char; begin i:=0; wb:=0; data:=0; S:=' '; C:=' '; ModePortB(1, TRUE); // Status LED to output i2c_master.init(I2C_50kHz); S := 'Hello World!'; repeat inc(i); if i = 12 then i:=1; i2c_master.start(AddressI2C,I2C_Wri]"]>Blockedde); wb := Ord(S[i]); i2c_master.writeByte(wb); i2c_master.stop; WritePortB(1,True); // Status LED OFF delay_ms(20); WritePortB(1,False); // Status LED ON delay_ms(20); until 1=2; end.
Hope to hear from you all soon!, Greets Wouter van Wegen, PascalByThree.
PS: This is the topic where i got my source code from.,47384.msg339430.html#msg339430
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