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[SOLVED] Online Package Manager: Cannot install package"xxx.lpk".

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Hello gents,

Sorry if "wrong section" ...

I face this problem on my linux installation of Lazarus, I can not install package via OPM, I always receive this message.
The message is not explicit, and I the interface is frozen (modal window) so I can not check what exactly is going on.

Files are well decompressed and saved under ~/.lazarus/onlinepackagemanager, but I have no choice that installing them manually.

As I could not install, I think first of some bad config files, so I did a fresh clean install (purging fpc, fpc_source and lazarus_project package, removing ~/.lazarus folder and re-installing lazarus from debian package (version stable 2.2.6).

If any one already face such troubles or have any idea ? (or maybe there is a "debug mode" flag i could set to investigate the trouble)



Well, I restart from "Fresh install" again, remove all "fpc-lazarus" files from all directories and still same thing:
- Package downloads well
- Package start compiling

- When OPM wants to install package, I have the error "Cannot install package"xxx.lpk" ... continue with next ..."

I really do not any clues from where it could come. Can this could come from my "home dir" not mounted on "/" (my /home is a link on /data/home) ?


Hi andresayang,

OPM uses the package editing interface(unit PackageIntf) to install a package, basically the install is done via the IDE. If OPM fails the IDE also fails and I'm not sure why. Please try to change the local repository path(OPM -> Options -> Folders tab), make sure you have sufficient privileges.

The first ultimative test is, compile Lazarus with Lazarus :-)

Menu Tools-> Configure build Lazarus
Activate Clean all and check the box switch after building to automatic

Then use the button Build

Lazarus must be rebuilded. If something goes wrong, you can see the message. And i never use the packages from the distro for Lazarus (a had often problems in the past).


--- Quote from: GetMem on November 01, 2023, 05:41:41 pm ---Hi andresayang,

OPM uses the package editing interface(unit PackageIntf) to install a package, basically the install is done via the IDE. If OPM fails the IDE also fails and I'm not sure why. Please try to change the local repository path(OPM -> Options -> Folders tab), make sure you have sufficient privileges.

--- End quote ---

Well IDE compile fine, I install achordocking as usual ...

--- Quote from: af0815 on November 02, 2023, 06:10:28 am ---The first ultimative test is, compile Lazarus with Lazarus :-)

Menu Tools-> Configure build Lazarus
Activate Clean all and check the box switch after building to automatic

Then use the button Build

Lazarus must be rebuilded. If something goes wrong, you can see the message. And i never use the packages from the distro for Lazarus (a had often problems in the past).

--- End quote ---

I've try this too, no luck


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