Forum > Windows (32/64)
Showing video properties using Pascal code
When selecting "Properties" on a video file and selecting the properties "Details" page, characteristics of the video file such as, Length/Duration, Frame Width, Height and Rate along with other information is shown (see the attached property details screenshot.)
I gather this is obtained by parsing the video file's header.
What I'd like is, Pascal code that already does all the necessary parsing for the various video containers out there (mp4, mkv, avi, etc, etc.) Does a unit/component that does that already exist ? if so, where can I get it ? and, any available example on how to use it ?
Thank you for your help.
Download MediaInfo from here.
(Just the dll either for 32 or 64 bit)
Example for Delphi with Header for the dll is included.
--- Quote from: KodeZwerg on October 10, 2023, 11:47:07 pm ---Download MediaInfo from here.
(Just the dll either for 32 or 64 bit)
Example for Delphi with Header for the dll is included.
--- End quote ---
Just what I needed... thank you :)
Jurassic Pork:
you can try my wrapper : MediaInfoLib wrapper for Lazarus - Free pascal (windows, linux, macOS)
Friendly, J.P
--- Quote from: Jurassic Pork on October 11, 2023, 07:14:13 am ---Hello,
you can try my wrapper : MediaInfoLib wrapper for Lazarus - Free pascal (windows, linux, macOS)
Friendly, J.P
--- End quote ---
That is wonderful... thank you very much! :)
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