Next i changed the path: 'c:\' to 'c:\Lazarus-nowy' - directory i created for new installation in three files:
Hmm, you changed the c:\ in those files ? OK, so be careful, I am NOT a windows user. But I don't think those files should have any explicit path information in them. I use the same Lazarus source on linux and something like c:\ would mean very little here. The make process is intended to make the necessary binaries in the current directory where you run the make command. And it should not be doing any 'extract' any where. Perhaps there is some confusion about names here ?
Going over your process, I suggest you should be, from the command line -
$> git clone -b fixes_2_2 https://gitlab.com/freepascal.org/lazarus/lazarus.git c:\Lazarus-fixes22
$> cd C:\Lazarus-fixes22
$> make clean bigide
Then, create, in that same directory, a lazarus.cfg file, with, maybe -
(Make sure that file is a plain text one, you know windows, I don't and I have trouble with such things !)
Just to make sure, make the config dir -
$> md c:\LazConfigs
$> md c:\LazConfigs\LazFixes22
Then, while still in the same directory, start Lazarus (it will use the lazarus.cfg file for the config location) -
$> .\lazarus
Afterwards, after you exit Lazarus and do something else, to come back, first change to that directory and then start Lazarus there, all from the Command Line. This could easily be in a batch file, you know more about that than me !
cd C:\Lazarus-fixes22
Probably important to ensure that NO Lazarus is in your path for this to work. I think the explicate ".\lazarus" should not use the PATH but Windows is not my OS. If you have a path set to Lazarus, its possible the make may call lazbuild (?) or other tools from the original Lazarus during the build.
FPC should be in your PATH. If you want to use multiple FPC, bit more complicated.