Hey WP,
Now that the bugreport has been sent (https://gitlab.com/freepascal.org/fpc/source/-/issues/40450) let me correct my wrong statements made during this thread:
- TBufDataset does NOT need a filename
- Persistent fields DO work (the reason why I don't like them is that it is a pain to rename fields once persistent fields are created).
- Is is NOT necessary to call CreateDataset for a bufdataset with persistent fields.
This is quite awesome to read!!
I cannot thank you enough for your time on this!!
Gus, do I understand correctly that the Filter works for you. So, I do not need to look into this issue?
Yes, that is correct, I made it work in the end.
Once I realised that it needed quotations and it was using the star "
*" instead of any other symbol for globbing, it works:
Dataset.Filter:= 'Alias="*<full value or partial value>*"';
// Then Filter On and a refresh
So, yeah, that's sorted and was only an issue due to my ignorance of the particular syntax of the
LCL Dataset's filtering.
No need to pursue that further, I guess!!