
Author Topic: install on 13.5 problems with debugging on show modal  (Read 3885 times)


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install on 13.5 problems with debugging on show modal
« on: September 20, 2023, 06:47:57 pm »
I installed Lazarus on MacOS13.5, version from download page
I had huge problems to set my project target (Darwin, x86_64). I am not experienced.
I was able to debug, I debugged first window and access into sqlite3, o.k.
Than came problem with show.modal, my app crashes. Nothing written..
So I started to check my installation. Lazarus was in /Application
I would rather see it in my users directory.
When I use the bundle from sourceforge, I can not change the Lazarus directory.

Should I use another installation? Is the installation from source forge stable and verified?  Again, sorry,  I am not experienced and I feel unsafe, when it crashed during debugging and nothing is written
Thank you for any help.
Jiri Cvrk


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Re: install on 13.5 problems with debugging on show modal
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2023, 08:00:21 pm »
I reinstaled Lazarus using Don Alfredo's Fcpudeluxe (Lazarus in now in my Home, version is in attachment). Result is the same. When I want to go to show modal "Debugger in error state"
Jiri Cvrk


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Re: install on 13.5 problems with debugging on show modal
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2023, 02:57:30 am »
То что я вижу на вашем скрине, это не состояние ошибки, это состояние отладки. Вам надо убрать точку останова. В таких ситуациях вы можете продолжить выполнение программы нажав: "Super + R".

Google translate:
What I see in your screen is not an error state, it is a debugging state. You need to remove the breakpoint. In such situations, you can continue executing the program by pressing: "Super + R".
Rus: Стремлюсь к созданию минимальных и достаточно быстрых приложений.

Eng: I strive to create applications that are minimal and reasonably fast.
Working on ZenGL


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Re: install on 13.5 problems with debugging on show modal
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2023, 10:02:14 am »
What I see in your screen is not an error state, it is a debugging state. You need to remove the breakpoint. In such situations, you can continue executing the program by pressing: "Super + R".
I have written in my post the screen shows version of Lazarus :)
Problem occurs when I made one step from breakpoint, to ShowModal and ..o.k. now I attached the error.  Thanks a lot for help.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2023, 10:22:08 am by xaver13 »
Jiri Cvrk


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Re: install on 13.5 problems with debugging on show modal
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2023, 10:19:45 am »
I made one step from breakpoint, to ShowModal and I attached the error. Look. Thanks a lot for any serious help.
Can you step into the ShowModal function?
Or if the error occurs on the TFormWallet2.Create then step into that procedure and continue with the debugging.


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Re: install on 13.5 problems with debugging on show modal
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2023, 10:33:11 am »

some ideas

with fpcupdeluxe create a new installation folder and install a fixes version for both fpc and lazarus.
if you have updated macOs, have you also updated/installed xcode and command line tools for the version of MacOs you are running.
I assume that you project is set to using LLVM debugger and not GDB.
I assume that your project is set to  using the Cocao WidgetSet, as well as Darwin an X86_64.
Also try a clean all (delete files) rebuild of your project, in case some old pp files exist.

try running the generated executable from Finder (file explorere) ( not the bundle), this should display a terminal aswell so may help in diagnosing what is going on
The best way to get accurate information on the forum is to post something wrong and wait for corrections.


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Re: install on 13.5 problems with debugging on show modal
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2023, 10:35:23 am »
- Start the IDE
- Open from "View" menu: View > Ide Internals > "Debug Output"   (IIRC its in Ide Internals, if not its in  Debug Windows)
- Then run your app, and get the error

Copy the entire content of the "Debug Output" and upload it here (or sent via private PM).
(This may contain names of functions/variables in your app).

You can also try in "Project options" > "Debugging" to change between "dwarf" and "dwarf 3".


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Re: install on 13.5 problems with debugging on show modal
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2023, 05:21:17 pm »
First: thanks so much for all your thoughts!

- Start the IDE
- Open from "View" menu: View > Ide Internals > "Debug Output"   (IIRC its in Ide Internals, if not its in  Debug Windows)
- Then run your app, and get the error

Copy the entire content of the "Debug Output" and upload it here (or sent via private PM).
(This may contain names of functions/variables in your app).

You can also try in "Project options" > "Debugging" to change between "dwarf" and "dwarf 3".

Code: Pascal  [Select][+][-]
  1. >> settings set -- frame-format "frame #${frame.index}: ${frame.pc}, {${frame.sp}}, {${frame.fp}} &&//FULL: {${line.file.fullpath}} &&//SHORT: {${line.file.basename}} &&//LINE: {${line.number}} &&//MOD: {${module.file.basename}} &&//FUNC: {${}} <<&&//FRAME\n"
  2. (lldb) settings set -- frame-format "frame #${frame.index}: ${frame.pc}, {${frame.sp}}, {${frame.fp}} &&//FULL: {${line.file.fullpath}} &&//SHORT: {${line.file.basename}} &&//LINE: {${line.number}} &&//MOD: {${module.file.basename}} &&//FUNC: {${}} <<&&//FRAME\n"
  3. >> settings set -- thread-format "thread #${thread.index}: tid=${}: ${frame.pc}, {${frame.sp}}, {${frame.fp}} &&//FULL: {${line.file.fullpath}} &&//SHORT: {${line.file.basename}} &&//LINE: {${line.number}} &&//MOD: {${module.file.basename}} &&//FUNC: {${}} <<&&//FRAME{, stop reason = ${thread.stop-reason}}\n"
  4. (lldb) settings set -- thread-format "thread #${thread.index}: tid=${}: ${frame.pc}, {${frame.sp}}, {${frame.fp}} &&//FULL: {${line.file.fullpath}} &&//SHORT: {${line.file.basename}} &&//LINE: {${line.number}} &&//MOD: {${module.file.basename}} &&//FUNC: {${}} <<&&//FRAME{, stop reason = ${thread.stop-reason}}\n"
  5. >> settings set -- thread-stop-format "thread #${thread.index}: tid=${}: ${frame.pc}, {${frame.sp}}, {${frame.fp}} &&//FULL: {${line.file.fullpath}} &&//SHORT: {${line.file.basename}} &&//LINE: {${line.number}} &&//MOD: {${module.file.basename}} &&//FUNC: {${}} <<&&//FRAME{, stop reason = ${thread.stop-reason}}\n"
  6. (lldb) settings set -- thread-stop-format "thread #${thread.index}: tid=${}: ${frame.pc}, {${frame.sp}}, {${frame.fp}} &&//FULL: {${line.file.fullpath}} &&//SHORT: {${line.file.basename}} &&//LINE: {${line.number}} &&//MOD: {${module.file.basename}} &&//FUNC: {${}} <<&&//FRAME{, stop reason = ${thread.stop-reason}}\n"
  7. >> target stop-hook add -o "thread list"
  8. (lldb) target stop-hook add -o "thread list"
  9. Stop hook #1 added.
  10. >> settings set -- stop-line-count-after 0
  11. (lldb) settings set -- stop-line-count-after 0
  12. >> settings set -- stop-line-count-before 0
  13. (lldb) settings set -- stop-line-count-before 0
  14. >> settings set -- stop-disassembly-count 0
  15. (lldb) settings set -- stop-disassembly-count 0
  16. >> settings set -- target.env-vars "USER=jiricvrk"
  17. (lldb) settings set -- target.env-vars "USER=jiricvrk"
  18. >> settings set -- target.env-vars "COMMAND_MODE=unix2003"
  19. (lldb) settings set -- target.env-vars "COMMAND_MODE=unix2003"
  20. >> settings set -- target.env-vars "__CFBundleIdentifier=lazarus.freepascal.ide"
  21. (lldb) settings set -- target.env-vars "__CFBundleIdentifier=lazarus.freepascal.ide"
  22. >> settings set -- target.env-vars "PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
  23. (lldb) settings set -- target.env-vars "PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
  24. >> settings set -- target.env-vars "LOGNAME=jiricvrk"
  25. (lldb) settings set -- target.env-vars "LOGNAME=jiricvrk"
  26. >> settings set -- target.env-vars "SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/private/tmp/"
  27. (lldb) settings set -- target.env-vars "SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/private/tmp/"
  28. >> settings set -- target.env-vars "HOME=/Users/jiricvrk"
  29. (lldb) settings set -- target.env-vars "HOME=/Users/jiricvrk"
  30. >> settings set -- target.env-vars "SHELL=/bin/zsh"
  31. (lldb) settings set -- target.env-vars "SHELL=/bin/zsh"
  32. >> settings set -- target.env-vars "TMPDIR=/var/folders/n4/s6x1s1g57x5d117mbwxtz_1h0000gn/T/"
  33. (lldb) settings set -- target.env-vars "TMPDIR=/var/folders/n4/s6x1s1g57x5d117mbwxtz_1h0000gn/T/"
  34. >> settings set -- target.env-vars "__CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x1D:0x38"
  35. (lldb) settings set -- target.env-vars "__CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x1D:0x38"
  36. >> settings set -- target.env-vars "XPC_SERVICE_NAME=application.lazarus.freepascal.ide.2129010.2143942"
  37. (lldb) settings set -- target.env-vars "XPC_SERVICE_NAME=application.lazarus.freepascal.ide.2129010.2143942"
  38. >> settings set -- target.env-vars "XPC_FLAGS=0x0"
  39. (lldb) settings set -- target.env-vars "XPC_FLAGS=0x0"
  40. >> target create /Users/jiricvrk/Documents/Pascal/Wallet/
  41. (lldb) target create /Users/jiricvrk/Documents/Pascal/Wallet/
  42. Current executable set to '/Users/jiricvrk/Documents/Pascal/Wallet/' (x86_64).
  43. >> settings set -- --debug-log=lazlog.txt
  44. (lldb) settings set -- --debug-log=lazlog.txt
  45. >> breakpoint set --func fpc_break_error -K false
  46. (lldb) breakpoint set --func fpc_break_error -K false
  47. Breakpoint 1: no locations (pending).
  48. >> breakpoint set --func fpc_runerror -K false
  49. WARNING:  Unable to resolve breakpoint to any actual locations.
  50. (lldb) breakpoint set --func fpc_runerror -K false
  51. Breakpoint 2: no locations (pending).
  52. >> breakpoint set --func fpc_raiseexception -K false
  53. WARNING:  Unable to resolve breakpoint to any actual locations.
  54. (lldb) breakpoint set --func fpc_raiseexception -K false
  55. Breakpoint 3: where = wallet`FPC_RAISEEXCEPTION, address = 0x0000000100015400
  56. >> breakpoint command add 3
  57. >> p/x $rdi
  58. >> p/x $rdx
  59. >> p ((char ***)$rdi)[0][3]
  60. >> p ((char **)$rdi)[1]
  61. >> DONE
  62. >> version
  63. (lldb) breakpoint command add 3
  64. (lldb) version
  65. >> breakpoint command add 2
  66. >> p/x $rdi
  67. >> DONE
  68. >> version
  69. lldb-1500.0.22.8
  70. Apple Swift version 5.9 (swiftlang- clang-1500.0.40.1)
  71. (lldb) breakpoint command add 2
  72. (lldb) version
  73. >> breakpoint command add 1
  74. >> p/x $rdi
  75. >> DONE
  76. >> version
  77. lldb-1500.0.22.8
  78. Apple Swift version 5.9 (swiftlang- clang-1500.0.40.1)
  79. (lldb) breakpoint command add 1
  80. (lldb) version
  81. >> process launch -n
  82. lldb-1500.0.22.8
  83. Apple Swift version 5.9 (swiftlang- clang-1500.0.40.1)
  84. (lldb) process launch -n
  85. Process 1842 launched: '/Users/jiricvrk/Documents/Pascal/Wallet/' (x86_64)
  86. (lldb)  p/x $rdi
  87. (unsigned long) 0x00000001010efe40
  88. (lldb)  p/x $rdx
  89. (unsigned long) 0x000000030510d4e0
  90. (lldb)  p ((char ***)$rdi)[0][3]
  91. (char *) 0x00000001004ca008 "\vEFOpenError"
  92. (lldb)  p ((char **)$rdi)[1]
  93. (char *) 0x000000012efea5d8 "Unable to open file \"web.png\": No such file or directory"
  94. Process 1842 stopped
  95. * thread #1: tid=0x570a4: 0x0000000100015400, 0x000000030510d3b8, 0x000000030510d4e0 &&//FULL:  &&//SHORT:  &&//LINE:  &&//MOD: wallet &&//FUNC: FPC_RAISEEXCEPTION <<&&//FRAME, stop reason = breakpoint 3.1
  96.   thread #6: tid=0x571fb: 0x00007ff800a30556, 0x0000000305193678, 0x00000003051936a0 &&//FULL:  &&//SHORT:  &&//LINE:  &&//MOD: libsystem_kernel.dylib &&//FUNC: semaphore_timedwait_trap <<&&//FRAME
  97.   thread #7: tid=0x57247: 0x00007ff800a31cae, 0x000000030521bb18, 0x000000030521bb40 &&//FULL:  &&//SHORT:  &&//LINE:  &&//MOD: libsystem_kernel.dylib &&//FUNC: __workq_kernreturn <<&&//FRAME
  98.   thread #8: tid=0x57214: 0x00007ff800a31cae, 0x00000003052a3b28, 0x00000003052a3b50 &&//FULL:  &&//SHORT:  &&//LINE:  &&//MOD: libsystem_kernel.dylib &&//FUNC: __workq_kernreturn <<&&//FRAME
  99.   thread #9: tid=0x57248: 0x00007ff800a31cae, 0x000000030532bb28, 0x000000030532bb50 &&//FULL:  &&//SHORT:  &&//LINE:  &&//MOD: libsystem_kernel.dylib &&//FUNC: __workq_kernreturn <<&&//FRAME
  100.   thread #10: tid=0x5711c: 0x00007ff800a305c2, 0x00000003053addd8, 0x00000003053ade30 &&//FULL:  &&//SHORT:  &&//LINE:  &&//MOD: libsystem_kernel.dylib &&//FUNC: mach_msg2_trap <<&&//FRAME
  101. Process 1842 stopped
  102. * thread #1: tid=0x570a4: 0x0000000100015400, 0x000000030510d3b8, 0x000000030510d4e0 &&//FULL:  &&//SHORT:  &&//LINE:  &&//MOD: wallet &&//FUNC: FPC_RAISEEXCEPTION <<&&//FRAME, stop reason = breakpoint 3.1
  103.     frame #0: 0x0000000100015400, 0x000000030510d3b8, 0x000000030510d4e0 &&//FULL:  &&//SHORT:  &&//LINE:  &&//MOD: wallet &&//FUNC: FPC_RAISEEXCEPTION <<&&//FRAME
  104. Target 0: (wallet) stopped.

maybe there is a problem with png pictures? I put all pictures in project resources.. and hoped that they will be in app bundle :) I do not know how to check this.
Btw. and I am pretty sure, that I am in the wrong section of the forum, sorry :(
« Last Edit: September 21, 2023, 05:41:27 pm by xaver13 »
Jiri Cvrk


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Re: install on 13.5 problems with debugging on show modal
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2023, 08:35:58 pm »
pictures are not the cause, seems to me, something is wrong and I cannot fulfill a Bug list for Apple. If I understand, with my poor English.
Code: Pascal  [Select][+][-]
  1. (lldb) thread list
  2. Process 4700 stopped
  3. * thread #1: tid=0x7530d: 0x0000000100049b84, 0x000000030510f080, 0x000000030510f100 &&//FULL: /Users/jiricvrk/Documents/Pascal/Wallet/uwallet1.pas &&//SHORT: uwallet1.pas &&//LINE: 451 &&//MOD: wallet &&//FUNC: EDTKODEDITINGDONE(this=0x000000010a1e84d0, SENDER=0x000000010a1e8f90) <<&&//FRAME, stop reason = breakpoint 4.1
  4.   thread #3: tid=0x75368: 0x00007ff800a31cae, 0x000000030521bb18, 0x000000030521bb40 &&//FULL:  &&//SHORT:  &&//LINE:  &&//MOD: libsystem_kernel.dylib &&//FUNC: __workq_kernreturn <<&&//FRAME
  5.   thread #4: tid=0x75372: 0x00007ff800a31cae, 0x00000003052a3b28, 0x00000003052a3b50 &&//FULL:  &&//SHORT:  &&//LINE:  &&//MOD: libsystem_kernel.dylib &&//FUNC: __workq_kernreturn <<&&//FRAME
  6.   thread #6: tid=0x75387: 0x00007ff800a305c2, 0x0000000305435dd8, 0x0000000305435e30 &&//FULL:  &&//SHORT:  &&//LINE:  &&//MOD: libsystem_kernel.dylib &&//FUNC: mach_msg2_trap <<&&//FRAME
  7. (lldb) version
  8. >> thread backtrace -c 5
  9. >> version
  10. lldb-1500.0.22.8
  11. Apple Swift version 5.9 (swiftlang- clang-1500.0.40.1)
  12. (lldb) thread backtrace -c 5
  13. error: stdctrls.o {0x00033e66}: unhandled type tag 0x0020 (DW_TAG_set_type), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
  14. * thread #1: tid=0x7530d: 0x0000000100049b84, 0x000000030510f080, 0x000000030510f100 &&//FULL: /Users/jiricvrk/Documents/Pascal/Wallet/uwallet1.pas &&//SHORT: uwallet1.pas &&//LINE: 451 &&//MOD: wallet &&//FUNC: EDTKODEDITINGDONE(this=0x000000010a1e84d0, SENDER=0x000000010a1e8f90) <<&&//FRAME, stop reason = breakpoint 4.1
  15.   * frame #0: 0x0000000100049b84, 0x000000030510f080, 0x000000030510f100 &&//FULL: /Users/jiricvrk/Documents/Pascal/Wallet/uwallet1.pas &&//SHORT: uwallet1.pas &&//LINE: 451 &&//MOD: wallet &&//FUNC: EDTKODEDITINGDONE(this=0x000000010a1e84d0, SENDER=0x000000010a1e8f90) <<&&//FRAME
  16.     frame #1: 0x0000000100230363, 0x000000030510f110, 0x000000030510f120 &&//FULL: /Users/jiricvrk/lazarus/lazarus/lcl/include/ &&//SHORT: &&//LINE: 616 &&//MOD: wallet &&//FUNC: EDITINGDONE(this=0x000000010a1e8f90) <<&&//FRAME
  17.     frame #2: 0x00000001002da5ed, 0x000000030510f130, 0x000000030510f140 &&//FULL: /Users/jiricvrk/lazarus/lazarus/lcl/include/ &&//SHORT: &&//LINE: 650 &&//MOD: wallet &&//FUNC: EDITINGDONE(this=0x000000010a1e8f90) <<&&//FRAME
  18.     frame #3: 0x00000001002d9c19, 0x000000030510f150, 0x000000030510f1e0 &&//FULL: /Users/jiricvrk/lazarus/lazarus/lcl/include/ &&//SHORT: &&//LINE: 465 &&//MOD: wallet &&//FUNC: KEYUPAFTERINTERFACE(this=0x000000010a1e8f90, KEY=13, SHIFT=<unavailable>) <<&&//FRAME
  19.     frame #4: 0x0000000100227dcc, 0x000000030510f1f0, 0x000000030510f210 &&//FULL: /Users/jiricvrk/lazarus/lazarus/lcl/include/ &&//SHORT: &&//LINE: 5980 &&//MOD: wallet &&//FUNC: DOREMAININGKEYUP(this=0x000000010a1e8f90, MESSAGE=(MSG = 257, UNUSEDMSG = 0, CHARCODE = 13, UNUSED = 0, UNUSED2 = 0, KEYDATA = 2359297, RESULT = 0)) <<&&//FRAME
  20. (lldb) version
  21. >> frame variable -P 1 -D 5
  22. >> version
  23. lldb-1500.0.22.8
  24. Apple Swift version 5.9 (swiftlang- clang-1500.0.40.1)
  25. (lldb) frame variable -P 1 -D 5
  26. (TOBJECT) SENDER = 0x000000010a1e8f90 {}
  27. (lldb) version
  28. >> expression -T -- MYLANG
  29. lldb-1500.0.22.8
  30. Apple Swift version 5.9 (swiftlang- clang-1500.0.40.1)
  31. (lldb) expression -T -- MYLANG
  32. error: controls.o {0x00047665}: unhandled type tag 0x0020 (DW_TAG_set_type), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
  33. error: controls.o {0x0004769d}: unhandled type tag 0x0020 (DW_TAG_set_type), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
  34. error: controls.o {0x0002060e}: unhandled type tag 0x0020 (DW_TAG_set_type), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
  35. error: controls.o {0x00020941}: unhandled type tag 0x0020 (DW_TAG_set_type), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
  36. error: controls.o {0x000271b0}: unhandled type tag 0x0020 (DW_TAG_set_type), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
  37. error: controls.o {0x00020cc0}: unhandled type tag 0x0020 (DW_TAG_set_type), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
  38. error: controls.o {0x0003ae8d}: unhandled type tag 0x0021 (DW_TAG_subrange_type), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
  39. error: controls.o {0x0002453c}: unhandled type tag 0x0021 (DW_TAG_subrange_type), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
  40. error: controls.o {0x00007205}: unhandled type tag 0x0020 (DW_TAG_set_type), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
  41. error: controls.o {0x00020e03}: unhandled type tag 0x0020 (DW_TAG_set_type), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
  42. error: controls.o {0x00026e91}: unhandled type tag 0x0020 (DW_TAG_set_type), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
  43. error: controls.o {0x00028689}: unhandled type tag 0x0021 (DW_TAG_subrange_type), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
  44. error: controls.o {0x000291ae}: unhandled type tag 0x0020 (DW_TAG_set_type), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
  45. error: controls.o {0x00026eca}: unhandled type tag 0x0021 (DW_TAG_subrange_type), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
  46. error: controls.o {0x000292aa}: unhandled type tag 0x0020 (DW_TAG_set_type), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
  47. error: uwallet1.o {0x00018000}: unhandled type tag 0x0020 (DW_TAG_set_type), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
  48. error: uwallet1.o {0x0001937a}: unhandled type tag 0x0020 (DW_TAG_set_type), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
  49. error: uwallet1.o {0x0001ab8f}: unhandled type tag 0x0020 (DW_TAG_set_type), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
  50. error: controls.o {0x0002d321}: unhandled type tag 0x0021 (DW_TAG_subrange_type), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
  51. error: controls.o {0x0003d45e}: unhandled type tag 0x0020 (DW_TAG_set_type), please file a bug and attach the file at the start of this error message
  52. PLEASE submit a bug report to and include the crash backtrace.
  53. Stack dump:
  54. 0.      Program arguments: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/lldb
  55. Stack dump without symbol names (ensure you have llvm-symbolizer in your PATH or set the environment var `LLVM_SYMBOLIZER_PATH` to point to it):
  56. 0  lldb                     0x00000001005358eb llvm::sys::PrintStackTrace(llvm::raw_ostream&, int) + 43
  57. 1  lldb                     0x0000000100534f45 llvm::sys::RunSignalHandlers() + 85
  58. 2  lldb                     0x0000000100535f0e SignalHandler(int) + 270
  59. 3  libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007ff800a9c5ed _sigtramp + 29
  60. 4  libsystem_platform.dylib 000000000000000000 _sigtramp + 18446603370569808432
  61. 5  LLDB                     0x000000011ad748db lldb_private::SymbolFileType::GetType() + 43
  62. 6  LLDB                     0x000000011ad7fb07 lldb_private::Variable::GetDecl() + 23
  63. 7  LLDB                     0x000000011b45bbac lldb_private::ClangExpressionDeclMap::LookupLocalVariable(lldb_private::NameSearchContext&, lldb_private::ConstString, lldb_private::SymbolContext&, lldb_private::CompilerDeclContext const&) + 204
  64. 8  LLDB                     0x000000011b459d8c lldb_private::ClangExpressionDeclMap::FindExternalVisibleDecls(lldb_private::NameSearchContext&, std::__1::shared_ptr<lldb_private::Module>, lldb_private::CompilerDeclContext const&) + 1068
  65. 9  LLDB                     0x000000011b459504 lldb_private::ClangExpressionDeclMap::FindExternalVisibleDecls(lldb_private::NameSearchContext&) + 948
  66. 10 LLDB                     0x000000011b44c40c lldb_private::ClangASTSource::FindExternalVisibleDeclsByName(clang::DeclContext const*, clang::DeclarationName) + 1100
  67. 11 LLDB                     0x000000011f5f5aef clang::DeclContext::lookup(clang::DeclarationName) const + 847
  68. 12 LLDB                     0x000000011efe3248 LookupDirect(clang::Sema&, clang::LookupResult&, clang::DeclContext const*) + 72
  69. 13 LLDB                     0x000000011efdf5c1 clang::Sema::CppLookupName(clang::LookupResult&, clang::Scope*) + 3649
  70. 14 LLDB                     0x000000011efe2b3d clang::Sema::LookupName(clang::LookupResult&, clang::Scope*, bool, bool) + 77
  71. 15 LLDB                     0x000000011ecfb596 clang::Sema::ClassifyName(clang::Scope*, clang::CXXScopeSpec&, clang::IdentifierInfo*&, clang::SourceLocation, clang::Token const&, clang::CorrectionCandidateCallback*) + 326
  72. 16 LLDB                     0x000000011e97efe0 clang::Parser::TryAnnotateName(clang::CorrectionCandidateCallback*, clang::ImplicitTypenameContext) + 480
  73. 17 LLDB                     0x000000011e957bf4 clang::Parser::ParseStatementOrDeclarationAfterAttributes(llvm::SmallVector<clang::Stmt*, 32u>&, clang::Parser::ParsedStmtContext, clang::SourceLocation*, clang::ParsedAttributes&, clang::ParsedAttributes&) + 500
  74. 18 LLDB                     0x000000011e9577dd clang::Parser::ParseStatementOrDeclaration(llvm::SmallVector<clang::Stmt*, 32u>&, clang::Parser::ParsedStmtContext, clang::SourceLocation*) + 317
  75. 19 LLDB                     0x000000011e961b9f clang::Parser::ParseCompoundStatementBody(bool) + 1823
  76. 20 LLDB                     0x000000011e962b76 clang::Parser::ParseFunctionStatementBody(clang::Decl*, clang::Parser::ParseScope&) + 166
  77. 21 LLDB                     0x000000011e97ddbf clang::Parser::ParseFunctionDefinition(clang::ParsingDeclarator&, clang::Parser::ParsedTemplateInfo const&, clang::Parser::LateParsedAttrList*, clang::Parser::LateParsedAttrList*) + 3567
  78. 22 LLDB                     0x000000011e8b81e7 clang::Parser::ParseDeclGroup(clang::ParsingDeclSpec&, clang::DeclaratorContext, clang::ParsedAttributes&, clang::SourceLocation*, clang::Parser::ForRangeInit*, clang::Parser::LateParsedAttrList*) + 4695
  79. 23 LLDB                     0x000000011e97cdcd clang::Parser::ParseDeclOrFunctionDefInternal(clang::ParsedAttributes&, clang::ParsedAttributes&, clang::ParsingDeclSpec&, clang::AccessSpecifier) + 973
  80. 24 LLDB                     0x000000011e97c831 clang::Parser::ParseDeclarationOrFunctionDefinition(clang::ParsedAttributes&, clang::ParsedAttributes&, clang::ParsingDeclSpec*, clang::AccessSpecifier) + 417
  81. 25 LLDB                     0x000000011e97b566 clang::Parser::ParseExternalDeclaration(clang::ParsedAttributes&, clang::ParsedAttributes&, clang::ParsingDeclSpec*) + 1862
  82. 26 LLDB                     0x000000011e979742 clang::Parser::ParseTopLevelDecl(clang::OpaquePtr<clang::DeclGroupRef>&, clang::Sema::ModuleImportState&) + 1522
  83. 27 LLDB                     0x000000011e8a213e clang::ParseAST(clang::Sema&, bool, bool) + 670
  84. 28 LLDB                     0x000000011b46aae6 lldb_private::ClangExpressionParser::ParseInternal(lldb_private::DiagnosticManager&, clang::CodeCompleteConsumer*, unsigned int, unsigned int) + 2406
  85. 29 LLDB                     0x000000011b47e5de lldb_private::ClangUserExpression::TryParse(lldb_private::DiagnosticManager&, lldb_private::ExecutionContextScope*, lldb_private::ExecutionContext&, lldb_private::ExecutionPolicy, bool, bool) + 334
  86. 30 LLDB                     0x000000011b47eaa2 lldb_private::ClangUserExpression::Parse(lldb_private::DiagnosticManager&, lldb_private::ExecutionContext&, lldb_private::ExecutionPolicy, bool, bool) + 322
  87. 31 LLDB                     0x000000011accf6dc lldb_private::UserExpression::Evaluate(lldb_private::ExecutionContext&, lldb_private::EvaluateExpressionOptions const&, llvm::StringRef, llvm::StringRef, std::__1::shared_ptr<lldb_private::ValueObject>&, lldb_private::Status&, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char>>*, lldb_private::ValueObject*) + 2668
  88. 32 LLDB                     0x000000011adf8afe lldb_private::Target::EvaluateExpression(llvm::StringRef, lldb_private::ExecutionContextScope*, std::__1::shared_ptr<lldb_private::ValueObject>&, lldb_private::EvaluateExpressionOptions const&, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char>>*, lldb_private::ValueObject*) + 878
  89. 33 LLDB                     0x000000011b3a7f49 lldb_private::CommandObjectExpression::EvaluateExpression(llvm::StringRef, lldb_private::Stream&, lldb_private::Stream&, lldb_private::CommandReturnObject&) + 617
  90. 34 LLDB                     0x000000011b3a8f22 lldb_private::CommandObjectExpression::DoExecute(llvm::StringRef, lldb_private::CommandReturnObject&) + 1218
  91. 35 LLDB                     0x000000011ad0bd32 lldb_private::CommandObjectRaw::Execute(char const*, lldb_private::CommandReturnObject&) + 386
  92. 36 LLDB                     0x000000011ad00f18 lldb_private::CommandInterpreter::HandleCommand(char const*, lldb_private::LazyBool, lldb_private::CommandReturnObject&, bool) + 2328
  93. 37 LLDB                     0x000000011ad04c00 lldb_private::CommandInterpreter::IOHandlerInputComplete(lldb_private::IOHandler&, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char>>&) + 848
  94. 38 LLDB                     0x000000011ac2c9ba lldb_private::IOHandlerEditline::Run() + 346
  95. 39 LLDB                     0x000000011ac0ee13 lldb_private::Debugger::RunIOHandlers() + 147
  96. 40 LLDB                     0x000000011ad0622c lldb_private::CommandInterpreter::RunCommandInterpreter(lldb_private::CommandInterpreterRunOptions&) + 204
  97. 41 LLDB                     0x000000011aa67a9c lldb::SBDebugger::RunCommandInterpreter(bool, bool) + 140
  98. 42 lldb                     0x00000001005256f6 Driver::MainLoop() + 2662
  99. 43 lldb                     0x0000000100526386 main + 2086
  100. 44 dyld                     0x000000020083141f start + 1903
Jiri Cvrk


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Re: install on 13.5 problems with debugging on show modal
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2023, 10:06:25 pm »
Something caught my eye here:
uwallet1.pas &&//LINE: 451 &&//MOD: wallet &&//FUNC: EDTKODEDITINGDONE
from the Apple debug jibberisch, could it be something in your code around that point, that accesses something it's not supposed to???
Regards Benny
If it ain't broke, don't fix it ;)
PCLinuxOS(rolling release) 64bit -> KDE5 -> FPC 3.2.2 -> Lazarus 2.2.6 up until Jan 2024 from then on it's: KDE5/QT5 -> FPC 3.3.1 -> Lazarus 3.0


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Re: install on 13.5 problems with debugging on show modal
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2023, 10:29:08 pm »
I'm away over the weekend, and most of next week. So not sure when I can take a closer look.

The first trace:
It seems the app raised an exception. Only that should be reported as such by the debugger, and you should be able to ignore or continue.

The 2nd trace:
This is likely the "debugger error" issue

The "unhandled type tag"....
Basically the debug info. lldb only knows some parts of DWARF.
And also potentially, fpc may have written buggy dwarf (mostly fixed in fpc 3.3.1 trunk)

But that should not normally be an issue.

A few things to check

In preferences ("Tools > options " no win/linux) theer is a "debugger backend" page.
On top of this page it should say  something about "lldb"
- LLDB Debugger (Alpha)
- LLDB Debugger with FpDebug (Beta)

I suspect you may have the former setup?
then yes, it matters that lldb can't read the info...

If you can, switch to the "with FpDebug".

If that does not help, or if you keep the "alpha" for some reason

In project setting go to the "debugging" page, and set the "debug info" to
  "Dwarf2 (-gw)"

That is NOT the "with sets". It is the "sets" that lldb complains about (though it will complain about more than that).
Mind "dwarf 3" always includes the sets, so not an option either.

Further you can add (in "custom options"): -godwarfcpp
to make it more lldb friendly (actually, that may be fpc 3.3.1 only / not sure)

If you use the fpdebug version, then the sets are likely ok.


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