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install on 13.5 problems with debugging on show modal

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I installed Lazarus on MacOS13.5, version from download page
I had huge problems to set my project target (Darwin, x86_64). I am not experienced.
I was able to debug, I debugged first window and access into sqlite3, o.k.
Than came problem with show.modal, my app crashes. Nothing written..
So I started to check my installation. Lazarus was in /Application
I would rather see it in my users directory.
When I use the bundle from sourceforge, I can not change the Lazarus directory.

Should I use another installation? Is the installation from source forge stable and verified?  Again, sorry,  I am not experienced and I feel unsafe, when it crashed during debugging and nothing is written
Thank you for any help.

I reinstaled Lazarus using Don Alfredo's Fcpudeluxe (Lazarus in now in my Home, version is in attachment). Result is the same. When I want to go to show modal "Debugger in error state"

То что я вижу на вашем скрине, это не состояние ошибки, это состояние отладки. Вам надо убрать точку останова. В таких ситуациях вы можете продолжить выполнение программы нажав: "Super + R".

Google translate:
What I see in your screen is not an error state, it is a debugging state. You need to remove the breakpoint. In such situations, you can continue executing the program by pressing: "Super + R".


--- Quote from: Seenkao on September 21, 2023, 02:57:30 am ---What I see in your screen is not an error state, it is a debugging state. You need to remove the breakpoint. In such situations, you can continue executing the program by pressing: "Super + R".

--- End quote ---
I have written in my post the screen shows version of Lazarus :)
Problem occurs when I made one step from breakpoint, to ShowModal and ..o.k. now I attached the error.  Thanks a lot for help.


--- Quote from: xaver13 on September 21, 2023, 10:02:14 am ---I made one step from breakpoint, to ShowModal and I attached the error. Look. Thanks a lot for any serious help.

--- End quote ---
Can you step into the ShowModal function?
Or if the error occurs on the TFormWallet2.Create then step into that procedure and continue with the debugging.


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