There seems to be a problem with these two as I work between Laz and the other guy's product.
Here, both the Onclick and OnChange are identical in operation, software change or user change.
So, I decided to look at Dephi's docs if that really matters here, to find I can't connect to their Wiki for some reason, server not responding, and I don't feel like booting up the PC with D on it atm.
Anyways, I find it ironic that things like this have gone on unchecked, excused the punt, but shouldn't there at least be a MODIFIED property in there to indicate if the changes made are via software or user to make things easier?
I know all about nullifying the event and then reinstating it, but that is just a stupid step. also, one could simply use the TAG property prior to setting it via software to indicate the operation.
Shouldn't these controls have the MODIFIED property in it which gets cleared upon entry of the control and cleared when software is making changes to the state, one can examine this property while in one of the events and currently do exactly the same thing. User changes would set this property and keep it as is when the focus leaves the control for later inspection.