Forum > FPC development

Having problems at fpc's new installation

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Open a terminal window and start the fp executable manually using its full path. Starting it form a terminal window will output some detailed information on why it failed starting. Post the resulting output if possible.


--- Quote from: VTwin on July 11, 2023, 05:04:37 pm ---I have 3.2.2 running (with Lazarus) in VirtualBox on Windows 11, 7, and XP.

As noted:
fp.exe is not fpc.exe (but neither should crash).
Check the version you downloaded.
Maybe it is antivirus software.
Include full information, including AV and messages.

Keep at it, it will work!

--- End quote ---

Thank you for you sincere assistance.

1、Yes, I exactly distinguished fp.exe from fpc.exe, and though fp.exe continue to crash, it seems that fpc.exe works correctly.

2、I excluded the possibility of antivirus software.I excluded the folders and subfolders for fpc, closed all kinds of AV, including Windows Defender, and tried to run fp.exe, but in vain. :'(


--- Quote from: TRon on July 11, 2023, 05:25:39 pm ---@courier:
Open a terminal window and start the fp executable manually using its full path. Starting it form a terminal window will output some detailed information on why it failed starting. Post the resulting output if possible.

--- End quote ---

Thank you for you help.

I start the fp.exe in the terminal window as what you suggested, and it seemed that it indeed run "sucessfully" because it didn't give any feedback afterwards. But after it shortly appears a window similar to cmd.exe with a word reading “?Free Pascal IDE Version 1.0.12 [2021/05/15]”, it closed itself......?


--- Quote from: Courier on July 11, 2023, 05:38:57 pm ---Thank you for you help.

--- End quote ---
No problem. My bad in instructing. sorry for that.

Can you omit the "start" part (so opening a terminal and only invoking the line "D:\FPC\3.2.2\bin\i386-win32\fp.exe" without the quotes) ?

Start still tries to open the fp IDE using the GUI. Having said that and afaik start should have reported something back.

Note that if you have Windows 64-bit as Operating System that you indeed have installed the 32-bit compiler (i386-win32). Not that it should matter much though as windows can run both 32-bit and 64-bit executables on a 64-bit windows.


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