Do you read my posts?
i did read them, including the very interesting linked post from 10 or so years ago ( that states "
Presently, it does not work at all" (my underlining). the post highlights some of the issues that i'm still thinking through, and i'm interested in finding out if the 'does not work at all' still holds a decade later.
in your earlier posts you qualified your statements with "AFAICR", which i take it means "as far as i can recall". i interpreted this as in the context of "as far as i can recall... the offender was driving a red car" (with the possibility of the 'fact' being false), whereas you seem to have intended the context of "as far as i can recall... 2+2=4" (a more-or-less absolute fact). my apologies for misinterpreting your meaning of "AFAICR".
i can see some of the issues surrounding the use of
dlopen() et al, but am not convinced they are insurmountable. certainly difficult, of that there is no doubt, but then most interesting problems are difficult. in an ideal world i'd like to see the functionality of
dlopen() et al implemented in pascal - after all, these libraries that
dlopen() et al opens are
just ELF files.
but there is an interesting question of: can/do libraries themselves make use of
dlopen() internally, or can
dlopen() only be called by the user application? and if a library uses
dlopen() internally to access another library, does this percolate up to an explicit entry in the application's Dynamic Symbol Table? does the library in fact instruct the application to make use of
dlopen() instead of doing it itself?
Thaddy: i'd not be anywhere near brave enough to do what you suggest! what i am thinking of (ultimately) is ways to hand-pick pieces of musl-libc and include them directly into the Lazarus/FPC libraries where required to replace the current calls to (the small subset of problematic) libc routines. static linking of musl is just one step on the path to this end. the 'EULA' of glibc precludes doing this with the GNU code, however the musl license seems to be more permissive.
rob :-)