Forum > Windows

[SOLVED] CoWaitForMultipleObjects in ppc1.exe

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I tried to download the new trunk version of fpc via fpcupdeluxe and when I run ppc1.exe I get an error that symbol CoWaitForMultipleObjects is unknown, i use Win7 x64 system, compiler no longer supports win7 or what?

i tried to report about it already. GIT repo have issues too
this is about this commit

I’m a little guilty of insisting that an open array should be used, maybe without that the patch would already be accepted. But I still consider it a good idea, as the open array-based interface is fully compatible with the Delphi interface based on a dynamic array, that’s the reason why open arrays exist after all. (Or the devs could change const HandleObjs: array of THandleObject back to const HandleObjs: THandleObjectArray if they really want to.)


--- Quote from: runewalsh on June 06, 2023, 08:53:02 pm ---I’m a little guilty of insisting that an open array should be used, maybe without that the patch would already be accepted. But I still consider it a good idea, as the open array-based interface is fully compatible with the Delphi interface based on a dynamic array, that’s the reason why open arrays exist after all. (Or the devs could change const HandleObjs: array of THandleObject back to const HandleObjs: THandleObjectArray if they really want to.)

--- End quote ---
this theme problem is not about open arrays but what rtl\win\ file got patch with Win7 incompatible code (20 may 2023 date)

No, only using them makes them incompatible.


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