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Lazarus for RISC OS

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For unknow reason I cannot answer your private message. When I click on your Nickname it says: "You are not allowed to access this section". In the Message center there is no button to reply to your message also...

So I answer you here:
Yes Pascal for sure is not very popular anymore but the Lazarus IDE (Borland Delhpi IDE) is the easiest and fastest way to write powerfull office application. There is no AI features needed.

When we have the Lazarus running on RISC OS it might be even possible to add C++ or Python as programming language in the far future.


--- Quote from: StefanRISCOS on June 07, 2023, 05:30:20 pm ---@PascalDragon
thanks for the link to the FPC porting. There are some ARM related ports already so we might not start at zero level there.
--- End quote ---

I never said that you'd start at zero. The link I gave you is for porting FPC for a new operating system under the assumption that the port for the processor is already available which is the case for RISC OS, because it's running on 32-bit ARM. What you need is cross binutils that support RISC OS as target, but run on a supported target (e.g. Linux, Windows, etc.), then you can setup a cross compilation toolchain and make sure that the RTL is running well enough that FPC itself can be compiled for RISC OS. Even more of the packages and such then need to be enabled for RISC OS so that you can then start having a dig at Lazarus.

--- Quote from: StefanRISCOS on June 07, 2023, 05:30:20 pm ---I think that the Lazarus UI looks quiet similar to RISC OS style. The only thing that is different that there is no top menu.
There is a library called Toolbox that handels all window related stuff (gadgets?!)
Is the Lazarus UI written based on Pascal or C?

--- End quote ---

It's name is LCL, not “Lazarus UI” and it's written in Pascal, which is why you need to have a fully working FPC first.

And don't worry about GUI stuff before you don't have the compiler itself working. One step at a time or you'll simply overwhelm yourself.


--- Quote from: StefanRISCOS on June 07, 2023, 05:30:20 pm ---Is the Lazarus UI written based on Pascal or C?

--- End quote ---
The GUI of Lazarus itself is written in Pascal but it uses what we call a widgetset as a backend and depends on the platform/target. For instance there are widgetsets available for gtk, qt, windows, cocao etc. See also:

Besides that there are custom drawn components that are (as the name implies) custom drawn components (think of a component as something that is able to represent a widget/gadgets).

--- Quote from: StefanRISCOS on June 07, 2023, 08:17:46 pm ---There is also GCC 10.4 available. There is the Shared C library and the Toolbox library to access all windows elements.

--- End quote ---
Yeah but that is exactly the issue: all I was able to find (development wise) runs natively on RiscOS. Which is ofc. pretty neat (and in the end is what is best for RiscOS itself) but as PascalDragon wrote that is not how to port a compiler like Free Pascal. That always start by creating a cross-compiler and for that you need a (cross) toolchain.

You talk about having a GCC compiler for (native) RiscOS. Does RiscOS host/store its own patches against the compiler or are they merged upstream in the (GCC) compiler itself ?

My programmer uses Linux with GCC SDK and  CLion as dev IDE to compile programs for RISC OS.

BTW: Thanks all for the infos!


--- Quote from: StefanRISCOS on June 13, 2023, 03:47:21 pm ---My programmer uses Linux with GCC SDK and  CLion as dev IDE to compile programs for RISC OS.

--- End quote ---
The website that host GCCSDK gives me a gateway timeout/ BAD gateway. And just now a "Sorry! This site is experiencing technical difficulties."

The gists that I was able to find uses the same website for accessing the source-code. I am only a little versed with svn but it seems that the redirections to where the source-code is stored are not working for me.

I retrieve svn errors like:
- E020014: Can't find a temporary directory: Internal error
- E170011: Repository moved temporarily to '
- E170011: Repository moved temporarily to ''
- E175003: The server at '' does not support the HTTP/DAV protocol


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