I did have a couple of minutes to spend and build the (cross)binutils and cross-compiler for aarch64.
Just my luck as I seem unable to reproduce the issue with FPC 3.2.2 (not fixes) and Lazarus 2.2.4 (not fixes). Ofc I am unable to actually create an executable because I do not have the aarch64 GUI libraries but without those dependencies FPC compiles just fine and selecting the aarch64 cpu target with Lazarus does not seem to give me an error.
Thank your for this test TRon. Did you use fpcupdeluxe for the basic installation and for the cross-compiler? Which OS do you use?
btw does fpcdeluxe have a dedicated subthread for reporting these kind of issues ? I do not think the thread here does really get the attention from Don Alfredo or someone else more versed with fpcdeluxe
Yes, there is one subthread for fpcupdeluxe, but this one has > 2200 replies and all mixed up from different questions. I used it in the past, but was not very successful. So I hesitate to use it, until we would be sure, that a bug in fpcupdeluxe is the root cause for this Error message.
I was able to compile the IDE after deleting package 'richmemo_design 0.0' via menu "Package / Install+Uninstall Packages".
Now, when the current project has "Target CPU family" = "aarch64", I get this output after starting the IDE and then the Error message occurs:
hg6@i3300:/opt/lazarus_224/lazarus$ ./lazarus --verbose
using config file /opt/lazarus_224/lazarus/lazarus.cfg
SetPrimaryConfigPath NewValue="/opt/lazarus_224/config_lazarus" -> "/opt/lazarus_224/config_lazarus"
Debug: (lazarus) 10167 TIDEInstances.StartUserBuiltIDE
Debug: (lazarus) 10167 TIDEInstances.StartUserBuiltIDE StartPath=/opt/lazarus_224/lazarus/lazarus
Debug: (lazarus) 10167 TIDEInstances.StartUserBuiltIDE DefaultDir=/opt/lazarus_224/lazarus/ CustomDir=/opt/lazarus_224/config_lazarus/bin/
Debug: (lazarus) 10167 TIDEInstances.StartUserBuiltIDE CustomExe=/opt/lazarus_224/config_lazarus/bin/lazarus Exits=False
Hint: (lazarus) [TMainIDE.ParseCmdLineOptions] PrimaryConfigPath="/opt/lazarus_224/config_lazarus"
Hint: (lazarus) [TMainIDE.ParseCmdLineOptions] SecondaryConfigPath="/etc/lazarus"
TMainIDE.DoOpenProjectFile A "/media/D/FPC/work/archiv/wettcsv_Lx.lpi"
TBuildManager.SetBuildTarget TargetOS="" TargetCPU="" LCLWidgetType=""
Hint: (lazarus) [TBuildManager.SetBuildTarget] Old=x86_64-linux-gtk2 New=aarch64-linux-gtk2 Changed: OS/CPU=True LCL=False
TBuildManager.RescanCompilerDefines GetParsedFPCSourceDirectory needs FPCVer...
Note: (lazarus) [IsCompilerExecutable] run "/opt/lazarus_224/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/fpc.sh"
Hint: (lazarus) [RunTool] "/opt/lazarus_224/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/fpc.sh" "-va"
TMainIDE.RescanCompilerDefines START CompilerFilename=/opt/lazarus_224/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/fpc.sh Kind=FPC TargetOS=linux TargetCPU=aarch64 FPCOptions="" EnvFPCSrcDir=/opt/lazarus_224/fpcsrc/ FPCSrcDir=/opt/lazarus_224/fpcsrc/ WaitTillDone=False Quiet=False ClearCaches=False
TBuildManager.RescanCompilerDefines reading default compiler settings
TBuildManager.RescanCompilerDefines reading active compiler settings
TBuildManager.RescanCompilerDefines UnitSet changed=True ClearCaches=False CompilerFilename=/opt/lazarus_224/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/fpc.sh TargetOS=linux TargetCPU=aarch64 FPCOptions="" RealCompiler= EnvFPCSrcDir=/opt/lazarus_224/fpcsrc/ FPCSrcDir=/opt/lazarus_224/fpcsrc/
TBuildManager.RescanCompilerDefines UnitSet changed => save scan results
TBuildManager.RescanCompilerDefines updating FPC template UnitSetChanged=True OldTemplateExists=False
TBuildManager.RescanCompilerDefines updating FPC SRC template UnitSetChanged=True OldTemplateExists=False
CreateFPCSrcTemplate FPCSrcDir="/opt/lazarus_224/fpcsrc/"
TBuildManager.RescanCompilerDefines updating Lazarus source template OldTemplateExists=False OldExtraOptions="" NewExtraOptions="-dVerboseFPCSrcScan -dVerboseDefaultCompilerTarget"
Error: (lazarus) [PPUFilesAndCompilerMatch] Compiler=/opt/lazarus_224/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/fpc.sh RealComp= InPath=
I still don't see there something like
Running the IDE from a console, it outputs what it does....
It runs:
./fpc.exe -iWTOTP -Paarch64
@Martin_fr: was this what you expected, because we recompiled the IDE with 2 Debug-defines?