Understandable but the current Lazarus configuration makes the issue 100% reproducible. Each and every time I start up Lazarus and select any of the options in the project module wizard it crashes in the same manner which itself has a strong indication that something in the configuration is causing (leads up to) the crash. Whether that be Lazarus itself the AnchorDockingDsgn package and/or the interaction with gtk.
Two questions:
Short answers follow. Long description of events below those.
1. Does it happen with Lazarus trunk ("main" branch)?
When using the old Lazarus 2.2.6 configuration, yes exactly the same.
2. Does it happen with a new clean configuration?
No. Yes.
But do note that I do not know what triggers this particular issue so that part, I can unfortunately not reproduce atm. edit: reproducible steps in post below.
Sometimes updating a configuration for a new version does not work perfectly although it should backwards compatible.
That is why I never update an existing Lazarus configuration but create a new one from scratch. Each one of my individual Lazarus installations has its own configuration directory and uses its own pcp option. Though having said that, I do slack on occasion with trunk version of Lazarus

I started trunk build Lazarus (./startlazarus --pcp=/media/ramdisk/lazarus/trunk/.lazconfig) and installed package AnchorDockingDsgn.
After the rebuild, I closed Lazarus and started it again in order to see if the anchor docking worked as intended (no modifications to the anchordocking windows were made) and then closed Lazarus again.
Then, copied the contents of my Lazarus 2.2.6 configuration directory to /media/ramdisk/lazarus/trunk/.lazconfig226 and started Lazarus with (./startlazarus --pcp=/media/ramdisk/lazarus/trunk/.lazconfig226)
I got presented with a dialog titled "Incorrect configuration directory found" with a lot of contents explaining that the configuration was previously used by another installation of Lazarus etc.
There are 3 buttons (as also explained by the dialog contents): Update Info, Ignore and Abort. I chose the Ignore option.
Another dialog appears telling that the old configuration will be updated. I can abort and upgrade. I chose the latter.
The 'normal' Lazarus setup dialog appears. Some issue with the debugger back-end that I ignore and start the IDE.
I get another dialog telling me that debugging will be disappointing (ha, when using default debug option fpDebug

). I press ignore.
IDE appears just as with the crashing 2.2.6 installation (anchordocked windows) with presenting the project wizard. I select "new project" which results in a crash just as with Lazarus 2.2.6.
The terminal output:
The program 'lazarus' received an X Window System error.
This probably reflects a bug in the program.
The error was 'BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)'.
(Details: serial 111963 error_code 3 request_code 12 minor_code 0)
(Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line
option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)
Then I remove the contents of the lazconfig226 directory and start Lazarus again (./startlazarus --pcp=/media/ramdisk/lazarus/trunk/.lazconfig226)
I go through the IDE setup dialog again and start the IDE.
I do note (just as the first time when starting Lazarus with anchordocking) that the docked IDE window stays 'empty' for a while though in the lower left corner there seem to be some sort of drawing/flickering activity which disappears only then I activate the window by clicking on it and try to move it around. I mention it because that is new behavior to me.
But it does provide me with the initial anchor docked setup just as it appeared when I started Lazarus the first time after the build/installation of the anchordesign package.
In the hope it was useful.
At least I am able to reproduce with using the specific configuration files (I did not think of that). That at least would allow me to (re)build the IDE with debug and try see if that is able to provide more answers.