I've read the other "dark theme" topic, but not found any solution to my problem, so I'm trying my luck..

On Kubuntu 20.04 both the IDE and any app created with Laz was displayed nicely with any dark theme selected in the system. Recently I installed Kubuntu 22.04 and neither the IDE nor any apps created with it will display in a dark theme - everything remains in silverish colors. On both systems I've used the repository version of Laz, currently 2.2.0, and I suspect that it may have something to do with declining support for GTK2.
Could anyone give any suggestions on how to fix this?
EDIT: I found
this info from KDE and it seems that GTK2 theming has been removed in KDE > 5.20. I'll try the mentioned solutions and post back what I find..
EDIT2: Copying the dark theme into the light theme folder as suggested in the KDE link works, but it looks surprisingly horrible compared to what was in *buntu 20.04, so I'm giving up on the dark theme.