Zvoni, now I think it must have to do with access rights or something like that deep in the system which I don't understand

I copied the lib libmysqlclient.21.dylib from another application into my project folder. I found out that all the libs are contained in the "Frameworks" folder of the mySQLWorkbench application. So I used this one and now I have the following effect:
I point the LibraryLocation to this lib file which I copied from the mySQLWorkbench.app/Frameworks and in the Lazarus Designer I get the same old error message (file found, but can't load) - but if I compile the project (no other change) it work's without error during runtime!?!?!
To me there is no difference in the access rights of the newly copied file, but obviously there must be some difference in the background.
So now, what is the difference and why does it not work in Designtime but in runtime?