I very much like your code viewer, but I still haven't seen anything done with fpWeb that's non-trivial in the UI department. For example, how difficult would it be to duplicate the general look, feel and functionality of this Fish Facts app, which can even be hosted on a Dropbox account?
Your app is great, Phil.
Although in dynamic or complex web app, there are server side app and client/browser side app, a web app doesn't have to use both. As you've shown in your Fish Facts app, a web app can be a full browser side app, no server side app is needed. A collection of HTML, CSS, and JS files working together is sufficient for this kind of web app. Hence it can be hosted anywhere —even in a Dropbox account— because it doesn't have the server side part to be executed.
As we're Pascal programmer here, the web app we're talking about here is assumed to involve Pascal code. As Pascal code can't be run in the browser, it's obvious that Pascal code lies on the server side. As you've shown in your article above, having the server side and browser side separated is a good practice in web app development. I've learn this while ago when I was using ExtPascal.

Though you may attach the client side code (the HTML, CSS, and JS) into the server side code, just like what I did in my example, it's actually not recommended. I did it just for the sake of simplicity. Especially at this time when the browser side is getting dynamic and complex as well, you will need to use either responsive or adaptive design for modern web app.
For serious (scalable medium to large) web app development, using each side's development techniques and technologies is highly recommended. Unless you got a one-stop solution for both server and browser side, such as Morfik. Although for small to medium scale web app, I think fpWeb's template engine is sufficient for the separation. Having the separation, you could manage the look, feel, and functionality of the browser side app whatever you want. You could build it using your own hard-coded solution, or you could use any browser side technologies available out there such as ExtJS, qooxdoo, boostrap, angular, react, etc … you pick it.
As long as there's no Pascal technology to handle the browser side part of a web app —the HTML, CSS, and JS—
completely and comprehensively, we must learn those things. I see fpWeb is more targetted for server side tool. So, I think the look and feel of our (Pascal) web app isn't really within fpWeb's jobs.